Chapter 2

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Chapter Re-Edited: 3/21/2024

This was not a good day for Danny, and it was only nine o'clock in the morning! First, he has to fight some strange electric eel ghost that was scaring the civilians, and now Johnny has shown up, something to do with another fight with Kitty.

Danny chased him around town for a little while he was just about to catch him when Shadow grabbed him by his ankles suddenly. The dark ghost dragged him up into the sky away from Johnny and started flying down to the ground just outside the city at high speeds. Danny didn't understand what Shadow was doing until it was too late, they both crashed into the ground and Shadow fazed through, escaping quickly while Danny was distracted.

Danny sat up slightly using one arm to prop himself up off the ground. He rubbed the back of his head, Jonny couldn't do that much damage, right? Ugh, but he should still go after him. He stood himself up but was greeted by two agents standing on the outside of the crater he just made with his body.

Danny raised an eyebrow and backed away slowly, the man stood there looking at him with his arms held behind his back while the woman next to him had her hand on her holster ready to grab her gun at any second. Not that a normal gun would really do anything in this situation against a ghost like Danny.

The man spoke up, still studying him. "Phantom?"

Danny nodded slightly, backing up a bit more, not knowing what to expect. These people didn't look like the guys in white, but it could all be a trap or something.

"Director Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D we wish to speak to you."

Danny's stance softened a little, he was still very alert though. "You mean like talk to me, like a normal person. Without trying to shoot me into oblivion?" He questioned. Eyes flicking over to the female agent's gun again.

"Yes, we have come seeking your expertise in the substance known as ectoplasm, as well as some of your... unique abilities." He explained. "Someone has stolen a powerful weapon and wishes to take over this planet. We require your assistance in tracking to object, and maybe in your fighting skills."

Danny's face turned into more one of shock. "You want me to help?" He looked at Hill who was still all tensed up. "I wouldn't think you guys would trust me. I don't have the best track record."

"Right now we just want you to help us stop this man. We can worry about your past later."

"How do I know I can trust you, I mean you could walk me into a trap." Danny paused for a second thinking. "How do I know you are not working with the Guys in White?"

"We are not working with the GIW, and we know of their past with you. You may not trust us, as we you. But we need your help with this, you can fly outside of the jet if that will make you feel safer."

Danny raised an eyebrow and looked around him at the Jet with a pilot sitting in the front seat who was wearing an identical suit to the one the female agent was wearing. Danny leaned back a bit contemplating his options. He could just leave and not look back. But something was telling him to help them, he could tell that whatever it was that they needed help with was bad. He couldn't not help, his core ached with the thought of people being hurt, and if he just left them to battle this on their own what kind of person would he be?

He looked back up at Nick who showed no emotion. "I...-I will help."

Nick looked down on him for a second and raised his hand out to the young ghost. "Thank you for choosing to come with us." He stated, there was no emotion in his voice.

Danny reached out to shake his hand and the moment their hands touched Danny felt a light tingle in his arm, he played it off as nothing, but Fury pulled his hand back looking down at it, and then the boy. "You are... cold." He said questingly.

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