Chapter 13

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I'm baaaaaaaaack! Sorry, this took me so long! I kind of wrote myself into a corner with that last chapter. I have so many plans for this story but I couldn't figure out how to continue from where I left off. I got stuck with writer's block. But when my break came up and I have a week or two off of classes I used the first few days to figure it out. And now I have this early Christmas present for you guys. I will be trying to post chapters again more frequently and I have a whole lot of other Marvel characters I will be introducing in this story. including some of your favorite ones. ;)

Also sorry if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes, I don't have a beta reader. I do read over these like 30 times before posting but I still can't catch everything. <3


The rest of the Avengers were left to stand around Loki's unconscious body in silence. All debating whether them letting Phantom overshadow the trickster god was the best idea. What if he couldn't leave his mind? What if Loki ends up killing him or something in the subconscious? They have no idea how ghosts work or what they are going to do.

"I don't like this." Cap started. Most of the others turned to him. "He was badly hurt when he, uhhh, possessed? Loki. Who knows what happens when he takes over someone in that state, he was probably hurt the most out of all of us."

Clint crossed his arms. "And what was all that stuff that Ross was talking about?" He asked. "It sounded pretty intense. Do you have any idea what is going on with that Stark?" He looked over to the billionaire that was still standing there staring at Loki in deep thought.

Tony's brows narrowed. "No." He paused "But I intend to find out."

Cap put his hand on Stark's shoulder. "We'll work on that later. But right now-"

There was a bright light that distracted them and they turned to face it. Phantom floated out of Loki's unconscious body on the ground. Much more gracefully than when he overshadowed Barton mind you.

He landed right next to Loki with a light thud and gripped onto his side, green ectoplasm starting to seep from the corners of his hand. Danny felt the stares of the others in the room so he tried to stand up straight and looked up at them with tired but hopeful eyes. "It worked." He stuck one thumb up in the air as he tried to put on a cheesy smile. The others sighed in relief. And Danny turned his head to look back at Loki who was stirring.

"You okay kid?" Barton stepped forward, looking at Phantom with worried eyes. Scanning the boy up and down. He didn't get to see how bad his injuries were when he was talking to Ross. And Cap and Stark were the ones that went with him after he fell out of the sky.

Danny tried to wave him off, his other arm still gripping his side tightly. "I'm f-fine. Nothing I can't handle. Just a little weak from using my core so much." Danny fell forward and Cap rushed quickly towards the ghost and caught the teen before he hit the floor. Danny heaved up a puddle of ectoplasm on the floor, it was glowing green and was the consistency of blood. "Great," Danny sighed.

"That doesn't look like you're okay!" Barton exclaimed.

Danny raised his head weakly to look at him. "I'm fine. This is... normal for ghosts."

"Most ghosts wouldn't have survived a quarter of the things you did today." Everyone spun around to the voice of Loki who was now on his knees, his hands still cuffed together. No one even noticed that he sat up, or how he had somehow taken the muzzle off of his face. "If you don't get any more energy soon, you'll fade."

Danny laughed dryly. "You're ruining the fun." He smiled slightly at Loki.

"What does he mean by fade?" Cap looked down at Danny, he had a worried tone in his voice.

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