Chapter 12

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Danny gasped for air as he rippled into the yellow-tinted realm once again, it felt like he was yanked up through a pool of warm water and everything felt tight around him, his core thrumming with energy. This place was definitely different than the one he had been in earlier in agent Barton's mind.

The easiest part was getting Loki unconscious though. It merely took 3 seconds of Danny explaining that it would be better for Loki to be asleep for this, for Thor to hit him upside the head knocking him out cold. The suddenness of it surprised Danny, but the sooner he could fix Loki the better. He just hoped the Asgardian didn't end up getting a concussion from the blow.

Danny looked around his surroundings quickly realizing that he was surrounded by solid gold pillars that rose almost 40 feet into the air, they were holding up a ceiling covered in murals, telling the history of this ancient place. Not unlike the murals and tapestries you could find in some of the older ghost zone castles and lares. It was beautiful. Everywhere around him seemed to be brightened by sunlight. This place seems so magical... So unreal.

This must be Asgard. Danny had heard a little about it from other ghosts who had been here before, or maybe even lived there themselves. But he never could have imagined. Danny took a step forward, his foot landing on a beautiful white stone pathway.

When Danny took that step he realized that his body felt better than it had in hours. He could barely feel most of the major injuries that he sustained in the battle, but he was in a mind, or at least a mental realm. He assumed he would feel all of that 'amazing' pain again when he got back to the mortal realm. He sighed.

Suddenly Danny heard the sounds of talking not too far ahead from where he was. It sounded like kids. Two boys if he would have guessed. He looked down the pathway, past the end of the pillars was a large open garden.

The garden had a large tree in the center that was covered in beautiful green and light blue leaves that flowed like water, and a trunk looked to be entwined with gold in its bark. The area around the tree was filled with grass and other smaller plants and shrubs, equally as beautiful and unique.

And there at the base of the tree were two young boys who appeared to be maybe about 10 or 11 years old. One of them had golden hair and bright blue eyes. He was running around the trunk holding a stick in his hand pretending it was a sword. He had a bright smile on his face and kept running back up to the other boy over and over again, pretending to hit him with the sword, and strike devastating blows.

The other boy sat in the grass looking kind of bored, he had black hair that was slightly longer than the other boy's. There was a book next to him, but it seems that he had put it down, to look up at the other boy.

"What do you want now, Thor?" The black-haired boy asked, seeming annoyed. Danny quickly put two and two together. That was Thor and Loki as kids!

"Please brother, let's hang out, go see the courtyard." He pointed his stick to the side. "Something. Maybe we can even try one of those pranks you always like to do." The boy, Thor pleaded. "Maybe you can even practice some of your magic!"

The younger brother chuckled slightly, he had a smile on his face, but it looked like he was trying to hide it from his brother. "Fine. I guess we can go hang out." He said it in a seemingly uninterested tone, stifling a fake yawn behind his hand.

Thor's face lit up as he grabbed onto Loki's arm pulling him up to his feet quickly. Loki was lurched forward to his feet, his brother knocking him almost clear over. He quickly caught himself before spinning around and dusting himself off. He bent down and grabbed onto the black-covered book that he had left lying in the grass. Once he had hold of it, he held it out in front of him and closed his eyes tightly, as if he was focusing on something.

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