Chapter 8

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Thank you all so much for your amazing comments so far they mean so much.   I have had the pleasure of posting a chapter update once a week so far for this story.  The reason for this is I had already written and posted the chapters and posted them on ao3 and FF.  But I am now getting into stuff I have not completed yet.  For my other accounts, I have been posting approx once every two weeks.  It may be a little bit longer between chapters depending on if I get writer's block or not.  I have been extremely lucky so far as to not get it too bad, and I hope I don't get it in the future so I can continue making content for all of you amazing people.   Thank you for the comments they give me inspiration and joy every time I read them. I would like to thank everyone who has voted, commented, and added this story so far.  I have gotten to #6 on TV, out of 14.3k stories!!! O-O  I have never gotten that high on anything before. ^^  It means so much to me, thank you all. <3



Danny was floating down the halls of the hellicarror when he heard someone call out to him. He quickly whipped his head around to make sure that the person calling out was okay and not in danger. He was relieved to see Agent Barton speed walking over to him in the hall. Looking fine. Well, as fine as a person who was just being mind-controlled for the last few days can be.

Danny sighed in relief. "Yeah?" He turned his body around, facing the Agent with his whole body in the mostly empty hallway. Danny lowered down to the ground so the agent would not feel weird with the ghost floating. "I thought you wouldn't be allowed to leave the med bay." Danny commented.

"I have my ways." Barton answered Checkley, rubbing his wrists. "So, you were the one to free me from the control?"

Danny nodded to the man but seemed slightly embarrassed by the fact. "Ya, but I am sure any ghost with a core could do that." He chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck, his eyes darting to the floor to avoid the agent's eyes.

The agent tilted his head to the side. "But from what everyone else has been saying around here, not any 'ghost' would." He carefully put his hand on Danny's non-injured shoulder, trying to ignore the cold resonating off the boy. "Thank you, really." He sighed. "It made me do terrible things. Stuff I am not proud of."

"Look I understand... you see..." He looked up a bit. "I was controlled once too, not the same circumstances but, I know what it is like. My friends had to remind me who I was, and it was... hard." He sighed.

"I don't remember exactly what happened when you showed up in that dream thing, but you did save me. I would still be stuck if it wasn't for you." Danny looked up at the archer with a smile on his lips. Barton smiled back reassuringly, his eyes darted over to the boy's shoulder and cringed. "Sorry about your shoulder."

Danny chuckled, waving him off. "I'll be fine after a day or two, really."

Suddenly Danny's ears perked up as he heard two people rushing down the hall in a hurry. Clint noticed the halfa's quick change and turned his head to see Tony and Cap rush up to them, Tony seeming slightly more out of breath than the super-soldier. Which was understandable. Cap was first to speak up in a commanding tone. "We need to go."

"Go where?" Danny asked first, even if both he and Barton were thinking the same question. He floated up off the ground again readying himself to take off and help them. He could hear both men's hearts and they were thumping quickly, like they were worried about something. Even if Stark's heart was hard to hear with the buzzing of the arc reactor placed in his chest.

"Stark tower." Tony started. "Loki is going to power the cube there. And we're going to stop that from happening."

Cap turned to face Barton more directly. "Do you know how to fly one of those jets?" He asked.

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