Chapter 15

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Danny groaned as he woke up, something had touched his arm and he didn't know what. He was hurting, he was hurting a lot actually. He reached up and rubbed his forehead, "Man this job doesn't get any less painful does it?" He slowly cracked his eyes open, only to be practically blinded by a bright ceiling light. It felt very fake and was giving him a migraine.

"Kid, you're awake!" Was that... Stark? "You had us worried for a while there." Danny had a pounding headache and could barely tell anymore.

Danny chuckled dryly, "Yeah, me too." He ended up coughing. His throat hurt and he didn't know why. Normally it wouldn't hurt unless he used his wail, and that is always a last resort.

Suddenly he felt a hand on his back that was lifting him up slightly. "You gonna be okay?" That was Agent Barton, right? After a second, the man pulled his hand back with a sound of surprise.

Danny, now sitting up tried to open his eyes to blearily look at the man who was now holding his hand against his side, pinned under his arm. It looked like he was trying to warm it up or something... Oh. "Sry," Danny slurred. "I can't help it sometimes." His eyes glanced over to see a concerned Dr. Banner standing next to Barton, he was holding a clipboard and gesturing for Clint to show him his hand.

"It's fine Doc." Clint reassured. "The cold just surprised me."

Danny cringed, he was glad he wasn't hurt, but Danny could have given him frostbite if he was touching him for much longer. "I'll start to wr-m up soon. Well at least to my nor-ml temperature." Danny thought he was slurring, but at this point, his headache was too much to tell. That was, until he felt someone put their hand over his forehead.

He flinched and tried to pull away, he didn't want to freeze anyone else. But when the touch never came Danny opened his eyes slightly to see Loki standing next to him holding his hand just about an inch above Danny's head. There was a light golden glow emitting from it. Or maybe that was just Danny's imagination.

Danny's headache started to subside and he hummed in relief, leaning further forward toward the trickster god. It wasn't gone completely but at least he couldn't hear the buzzing of his head anymore. "What did you do?" Tony asked. He sounded one part accusatory and another part curious.

"Simple pain dulling spell," Loki explained with a flick of his wrist as he stepped back, trying not to look at Danny and focusing somewhere on the wall behind Clint.

He felt Tony lean closer and almost reach out to put his hand on Danny's shoulder before pulling it away. He tucked it behind the small of his back and grabbed onto it with his other hand as if to hold himself back and remind himself not to reach out. "You feeling okay, kid?"

"Never been better," Danny responded somewhat sarcastically, he held up his thumb. His eyes were still half-lidded. "And just 'cause I look like a kid, doesn't mean you have to treat me like one." Danny waved his hand in Tony's direction. "I've had worse from a fight with Skulker."

There was silence. Danny looked up slightly to see everyone in the room looking at him with some sort of concern. But Danny didn't want their concern, he didn't want to make people worried about him or wondering if he'll be okay. He already got enough of that from Jazz thank you very much. But on the other hand, he was glad that they at least... cared?

With the silence, the halfa's ears then tuned into a beep of machinery. He turned his head and next to Tony was a bunch of monitors and machines. Most of them show him as deceased, or really terrible vitals... for a human anyway. For a ghost, not so much. Danny scrunched his eyebrows at the monitors and then looked down at his left arm which was still laying on the cot.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2022 ⏰

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