Chapter 9

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Danny spun his head around to face Tony. "We need to get out there. Do you have a suit you can use?" He asked.

Tony snapped out of his light trance of thinking, his eyes darting up to the ghost. "I got something better." He smirked and pressed a blue button on the bracelet he had put on during their talk with Loki, he was probably planning for something bigger to happen.

Danny squinted as a blue light was emitted from the bracelet scanning over Tony's body. A disguised liquor cabinet on the back wall opened up to reveal what looked like a red and gold pod. The pod launched out of the wall and stuck itself to Tony's back causing the inventor to stumble forward slightly from the sudden weight. The armor wrapped itself around Tony's body like a blanket, gears turning as it unraveled in seconds.

Danny backed up with one foot and stood amazed. "So cool."

The helmet closed over Tony's face and his voice was emitted from the comms. "You should see what I am working on after this whole thing blows over, kid." Danny smiled at Tony and turned to face the window.

He floated into the air and then flew directly at the window phasing through it at the last second. Tony thought for a second that the kid was going to be just like a bird smashing into the window, forgetting that the ghost was... well, a ghost.

Tony turned his body and then flew out of the building at full speed. Both he and Danny hovered above the city, surveying the situation. Danny's ears twitched as he was listening closely to see if he could hear anything.

Danny could hear a high-pitched buzzing that took over most of the sounds. It was the portal. But surprisingly he couldn't hear anything through the portal, just nothing. There was no sound, where did that portal lead?

Danny narrowed his eyes and held his hand out at Tony. "Be ready for anything, I can't hear what's out there."

The iron man armor seemed to nod. His eyes scanning through everything his armor could get from the readings he was getting from the rip in the sky. The silence lasted for what felt like hours, even if it was only a minute.

Suddenly Danny got his first sound of noise, The noise only came through the moment the object passed through the portal. It sounded like the humming of one of his parents' inventions. Danny could see what looked like a humanoid creature on a sort of hoverbike powered by some kind of purple energy.

Suddenly the sound of the bike amplified by 1000, the bike wasn't getting louder there was more of them. It was a whole swarm! Danny's eyes widened as he took off towards the army. Tony looked at the sky slightly in disbelief. "Right... Army." He muttered, quickly taking off in the same direction Danny was flying.

The creatures started shooting at people and buildings around the city. Tony immediately armed his repulsor blasts and was already shooting at the aliens with pinpoint accuracy before he was even getting close.

Danny wasn't aiming for the aliens like Tony was, he was aiming for the bikes they were flying on. It seemed as though these guys' weapons were on the bikes so if he took out the bikes he took out the weapons.

Danny blasted multiple ecto blasts at the creatures. Bright blue, green, and purple flashes of lasers were shot through the sky at each other. Danny was constantly spinning around and dogging the blasts from the creatures with amazing agility.

The creatures seemed to be screeching very loudly. It didn't seem like a language more like a battle cry. Tony's suit shot out multiple heat-seeking bombs. They all flew out in separate directions and blew up about 40 of the creature's ships at once causing them to fall out of the sky.

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