Chapter 6

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Danny looked up at Cap. "You know what these are, don't you?"

Cap looked down at the case before him. His eyes still, like he was thinking of an old painful memory. "This, this is what I died to stop. These weapons. But why would SHIELD have them? Why are there so many here?"

Danny sighed looking down at the cases. "They are probably trying to figure out how they were created. You said these were powerful weapons. That means they want to understand them. And probably want to use them."

There was a second of silence. "Nothing has changed has it?" Steve asked quietly looking over to Danny. "People still don't trust each other. Still preparing for a war that may never come. Creating weapons designed to hurt others."

Danny looked down at the floor solemnly. "The world is just like that." he paused. "But there are good people in this world, just as there has always been. You saved thousands then, and there are heroes now that will lay down their lives -or afterlives- to save others. But if there's good there will always be bad to counter it."

Cap sighed and looked over to Danny, the kid was wise for his age. Maybe he wasn't even a kid. "I feel like we are overdue for a conversation with Fury." He reached over and hesitantly grabbed one of the disabled weapons from inside the open case. He looked over to Danny who nodded in response.

They both started back to the door, they are going to have a long conversation with a certain pirate cosplaying government agent.


Fury stormed down the hall in the direction of the lab. Apparently, Stark had been hacking into SHIELD's secure files about the tesseract project and faze 2, and it took them this long to figure it out. He turned the corner into the lab seeing Tony and Banner leaning up against the desk with their arms crossed as if they were expecting him. "What are you doing Stark?" Fury demanded.

"Hmm, Kinda been wondering the same thing about you, Eyepatch." Tony responded crossing his arms.

"You are supposed to be locating the tesseract, not playing your little games."

Banner sat up a bit butting in. "We have the model locked and we are sweeping for the signature now." He pointed his hand up to the computer monitor next to Fury. "When we get a hit, we will know the location within a half-mile."

Tony stood up and started to walk closer to fury. "Then you get your precious cube back, no muss, no fuss." He paused to look over at one of the monitors. "You know what is 'phase 2'?"

Cap and Danny walk into the room and cap angrily drops the weapon he grabbed from storage on the desk making a clunking noise to get everyone's attention. "'Phase 2' is SHIELD uses the cube to recreate HYDRA weapons." He turns to face Tony. "Sorry, the computers were a bit slow for me."

Danny stormed angrily forward. "You are undoing everything he died for." He gestured angrily to Cap. "Just so you can have a couple more weapons in your arsenal."

Nick walked over standing in front of Danny. "We gathered everything we could on the tesseract, that doesn't mean we are make-"

"-I'm sorry, Nick?" Tony butted in. "What were you lying?" He flipped the screen around to show the room building schematics for hundreds of new weapons, and HYDRA tech.

Nat and Thor heard the commotion and entered the room. Banner's head snapped over to Nat. "Did you know about this then?"

"You should seriously think about removing yourself from this environment doctor." She said crossing her arms.

Bruce chuckled and leaned back a bit. "I was in Calcutta; I was pretty well removed."

"Loki has been manipulating you."

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