Chapter 4

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As Tony shot through the air his scanners noticed a presence beside him, he looked over to see that the boy from the ship was flying through the air right next to him. Only his legs were gone and instead in their place was a slightly transparent wispy black tail trailing behind him whipping back and forth. Now out here the kid looked like he glowed, in the ship the glow was slightly hidden by the light, or the boy was hiding it himself. "What are you doing out here kid?" Tony raised an eyebrow underneath his faceplate. He was also quite confused about how the kid could fly. But the guy they were chasing a god with lightning powers so now that wasn't that strange.

"I came to make sure that you don't get yourself killed. And it was getting kind of cramped in the jet, sooo..." Tony smiled at the kid, even though he couldn't see it, he liked him already. As soon as they were close enough to the ground Tony spotted the caped man and Loki on the edge of a mountain. He powered up boosters and crashed into the man knocking him off the mountain and away from Loki before he could do anything. Danny faded into invisibility and flew down to where Loki was to see if he was still contained.

Tony and Thor crashed into the ground and they both stood up walking towards each other, And Tony opened his faceplate to talk. Thor grumbled. "Don't touch me again."

"Then don't take my stuff." Stark shot back.

"You have no idea what you are dealing with."

Tony looked around shrugging. "Uh, Shakespeare in the park? 'Doth mother know you weareth her drapes?'" He said in a mocking tone.

"This is beyond you metal man. Loki will face Asgardian justice."

"He gives us the cube and he is all yours... Until then." His helmet slammed shut. "Stay out of the way." Tony warns as he turns around to go back to fly back where he left Loki on the ridge, muttering. 'Tourist.'

Thor throws his hammer at Tony who's back was turned, throwing him into a tree snapping it in half. Tony mutters looking at the stats on his screen, as they were changing and showing a couple of warning signs. "Okay." He slowly gets up, then quickly surprises Thor with another blast, throwing him back into a tree as well.

Thor shakes his head angrily and then summons lightning from the sky into his hammer, and then redirects it shooting it directly at Tony's chest plate. Tony stumbles over with all of the lightning sparking off of him as he tries to regain his balance when JARVIS calls out. "Power at 400% capacity sir."

"Well how bout that."


Danny flies overusing his invisibility to stay hidden and lands next to Loki and sighed a sigh of relief as he sees that he is still wearing the special cuffs they put him in. Danny jumps at the sound of Loki's voice. "You just going to float there? Or are you going to talk." He turns to face where Danny was flying above the ground with a smirk on his face. Danny narrows his eyes and floats down closer flickering back into visibility.

"How did you know I was there?" He questioned.

"I can tell with these kinds of things."

"You couldn't tell before." Danny said smugly as he crossed his arms.

Loki's smirk slightly fell. "I didn't know what you were then." His tone still the same, ever the silver tongue.

Danny raised an eyebrow. "And you know what I am now?"

Loki smirked again but said nothing else, and Danny huffed angrily turning towards where Tony and the other guy landed. Danny waited there for a couple minutes watching Loki make sure he didn't escape, but there was something strange about him. Danny could sense just something, like Loki's mind, was shrouded in what seemed like mist. Something was defiantly off.

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