Chapter 11

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Tony landed roughly on the ground, his boots making a metal clank as they touched the pavement. He quickly straightened his arm to aim his repulser at the god of mischief. "Put the kid down, Loki!" He demanded, his eyes narrowing angrily beneath his faceplate. Even if he was worried about checking on the ghost, he never took his eyes off Loki.

Clint and Nat ran over closer to the situation. They had only seen it from afar. Clint quickly raised his bow aiming the arrow straight at Loki's chest. Now they were in a standoff. Nobody moving a muscle.

Danny was held, floating about 3 feet off the ground. His back slightly arched as his limbs limp. Ectoplasm dripped onto the ground from his back, forming a small pool of glowing green liquid beneath him.

Loki didn't move, he still kept his hand in place and the gold power surrounding the ghost. They knew that if they did anything to Loki, he would probably do something to the kid. "Put him down now!" Clint growled.

Loki hesitated, his eyes shaking back and forth slightly. He slowly lowered his hand and Danny was placed gently and nicely onto the ground. The moment the boy was no longer sounded by the magic, a blue, red, and silver shield flew from behind the group. It was about to hit Loki in the chest when the god teleported away in another flash of light.

The shield bounced off a building that was behind where Loki was standing and right back into the Captain's hand. A couple pieces of the wall crumbled to the ground at the sudden impact. He turned to face Clint and Nat. "You both track him down, me and Stark will take care of the kid." He commanded. Both assassins nodded and started heading off. Clint looked back at the young ghost one more time before he left. Hoping that the kid was okay.

As soon as Cap gave the command Tony instantly whipped his head around to Look at Danny. "Jarvis give me an analysis." He rushed over in his armor to kneel down next to the kid. He put his armored hand on the boy's shoulder.

Cap walked over next to Tony and looked down at the boy. The ends of his snow-white hair had been burned but only slightly. His suit that he was wearing had also been torn up a bunch, and they hadn't even seen the back yet.

Jarvis spoke up. "Sorry sir, I can't get a proper reading. His physiology makes no sense." Jarvis scanned one more time. "There is no heart, but there is a mass of energy in his chest reading a temperature of nearly 300 degrees below freezing."

Tony took off his faceplate and tried shaking the kid. "Kid?" He called out. His tone was slightly worried. Suddenly Danny groaned and moved a bit. The two men breathed a sigh of relief. Danny's eyes fluttered open and he looked up at Tony and Cap who were standing over him.

He started moving but squinted from pain. "Did anyone get the number plate of the spaceship that hit me?" Danny put his hand on his head and then moved it down to cover his eyes from the sun. "And who turned up the sun?" He groaned.

"You gave us quite a scare Casper," Tony commented, trying to help the boy up very carefully.

Danny smiled slightly, closing his eyes. "Gave you a scare? I was the one who almost died? -something like that-." Danny started coughing. He coughed into his hand and when he looked at it he saw that it had ectoplasm in it. "That's not so good." He rolled his head back onto the ground.

Cap and Tony looked slightly alarmed. "We should get you to a hospital as soon as possible," Cap said.

They were surprised when Danny tried sitting up quickly, almost as if he was trying to get away from them. "I can't go to a hospital." Danny's ears were pinned back and shook his head from side to side closing his eyes tightly. The two men could see both how scared he was. He was more alarmed by the thought of going to a hospital than almost sacrificing his afterlife to stop an alien invasion.

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