Chapter 7

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I did have a lot of people mentioning that in the last chapter he could have just duplicated himself and one go off with Tony and the other go after Hulk. I did think of that but I didn't do that because duplicating is very hard for Danny, it took him ages to figure it out in the first place, and uses up nearly all of his energy so he wouldn't be much of a help on ether battlefield.

The other thing that people were saying is that he could have overshadowed Hulk and gotten him to calm down. I am going to tell you the truth, I didn't think of that. But I need at least some plot points, I am sure Danny could fix all of the problems in the movie if he really tried, but I needed him to leave with Tony for the story to go on. Sorry if you didn't like it.

Anyway, I hope you like this chapter. AND MORE PLOT CHANGES!!! eeeeee. XD


Danny flew after the agents with his invisibility. They landed on the ship and Barton stuck a small piece of blue tech on what looked to be a security panel next to a door. He turned to the rest of the agents. "Security is disabled, go now." He and 2 agents split off from the group running along the outside of the ship to another door while the other three walked through the door they landed next to.

Danny looked back and forth, one group was going to the ship's control room and the other was going in the direction of Loki's cell. Once again he had to make a split-second decision. ...Ugh what was with all of those today? He darted in the direction of Loki's cell where Barton's team was going.

The moment he caught up to them they were opening a door to get inside. On the door's eye scanner, it had an arrow sticking out of it with a blue light blinking on the end. Danny shot two blasts next to the door startling the agents, they turned around quickly holding up their blasters but did not see who or what the blast originated from.

Danny flickered back into visibility as his clenched fists gleamed with ecto energy, his eyes glowing so bright you could see it through the afternoon sun that shined overhead the ship. The agents turned around aiming their blasters at Danny. And Danny once again went for the defensive, using a glowing green translucent shield to block the blue beams of energy.

Barton narrowed his eyes and shot an arrow very much left of where Danny was standing. The halfa just stared at him with a 'really?' look. Only for a couple seconds later the arrow came flying back around, directed with the wind. The arrow pierced his back-shoulder blade releasing an electricity pulse similar to the one that had hit Banner.

Danny instantly dropped the shield and fell to the ground reaching for the arrow in his back only for it to send another shock. Danny yelled as he tried to get back upright. The agents instead of continuing to shoot turned around and continued on their mission leavening Danny writhing on the gray floor.

With the electricity shocking his ectoplasm it was really hurting it. Causing Danny to be very weak. He pushed all of his energy he could muster into his intangibility, he could only get it to turn his arm and chest intangible, but that was good enough. The arrow fell through his chest and onto the ground with a small clink.

Danny gasped for air, even if he didn't really need it in his ghost form it was still a habit. Danny got up, dry coughing into his hand. "I really hate electricity." He muttered, narrowing his eyes at the open door before him where the corrupt agents had escaped.

Danny took off down the hallway, he could already feel his core working hard to replenish his energy. His shoulder still ached, and it would for some time, but it will heal. Danny turned the corner to see agent Barton and agent Romanov fighting in hand to hand combat. Danny quickly realized that the other two agents weren't there. They must have already gotten to Loki.

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