Chapter 16

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It's been over a month since I have been back with my mate. I've been living this whole month in fear that Luke would show up at any moment. I was also afraid of an attack from his pack. I had begged nearby to lend strength to mine and Aidens packs incase the attack ever happened. I would be devastated if anything happened to them because I escaped Luke. The nice man who brought me here, the Darkmoon pack spy, is now with us fully. We did not want him risking his life to go back.

As of right now I was slouching on mine and Tyson's bed, it was so boring. Ooooo I have an idea! I will go shopping, although I hate big crowds. I quickly jumped up from the bed and ran into the closet. I grabbed sneakers and a light jacket, since it was a little chilly outside. I then mind linked Tyson of my plan and he immediately said no. "Please I can have Drake with me along with your father." I begged through the link. Tyson's father and I have become pretty close to each other in the past few weeks. He was just as protective of me as Tyson. After much begging and persuasion he finally agreed to let me go. I jumped with joy and left for the mall with my 'guards.' They are really a bunch of goofballs.

We were at the mall and have walking around for hours. I have only four shopping bags in my hands, though they are filled to the tops with video games and snack type foods. I was never really the girl to go shopping for clothes. Now the three of us were walking towards the food courts. "Luna stop" Both Drake and Mark(Tyson's father) mind linked at the same time. I stopped walking and they lead me into another game store as I yelped with joy at the new Xbox games they had. Both Drake and Mark were looking around and sniffing the air, not like a dog, more secretively. Like when you have a runny nose somewhat. Now if you see someone who keeps sniffing over and over again than that is a clear sign they are a werewolf.

"What's wrong"  I asked them and only Drake snapped his head over to me. "There has been a person following us for the past four stores." My eye bugged out and I felt a little uneasy. My head quickly thought of all the scenarios where Luke could pop out of and take me. I fell onto the bench behind me and put my hand to my stomach. "Charlie what's wrong" this time they both came over and kneeled in front of me with worried and concerned looks. "I feel sick, like I'm about to throw up." I whispered out and wrapped my arms tightly around my stomach. "Okay lets go get you something cold to help ease your stomach. I know you don't want to go to the bathrooms. They will only make you succeed in throwing up." I nodded my head stood up.

Drake grabbed my bags and we slowly walked to the café part of the mall, which gladly wasn't far away. Mark picked out a table and we Drake and I sat down. "I'll get you a vanilla cone and a sprite." Mark said and was about to walk away when a whine was heard. It was from Drake, "Please I want a chocolate one!" I  smiled at his childish behavior and Mark only laughed before walking off to the ice cream section. I decided to pull my phone out and text Tyson a cute picture of a puppy when an unread message popped up. I narrowed my eyes at the unknown number and reluctantly opened it. My stomach still queasy from learning that someone had been following us. When the message opened I read the black letters of the words that took up my screen.

"Don't you look so happy today. You have it all, a pack to protect you, your mate, your friends and family. Well from now on you better watch your back because I am coming for you. Don't think I have forgotten all about our deal just because some traitor helped you escape. Oh that reminds me, expect a punishment when you return for even thinking that you could escape me. See you soon. P.S you look hot. ;)" My face paled as I clicked the link that went with the text. It was a pictures. Pictures of me today at the mall. One from when I was feeling sick in the game store and one of me sitting in the food court.  What scared me the most was that Drake and mark both had a red 'x' and multiple slashes across them. There was also words in the picture. They said, "It will be because of you."

Being the dumb and scared person I am I typed back, "Sorry you have the wrong number."

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