Chapter 15

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    Luke's P.O.V    

             I watched as she lost consciousness in my hold and fell limp on the floor. "Hurry up God d*mmit!" I yelled at the pack doctor. He glared and started moving faster. "Glare at my mate again and I will disown you" I growled at him. He started to shake as the glare was instantly wiped off his face. "Sir, Alpha, Sir" he said quickly not quite sure what to call me. "We need to take her to the pack hospital" I only nodded and went to lift her. "Alpha I advise you wait for the gurney." I growled deep and low at him, "Time won't wait for a gurney." I said cruelly and lifted Charlotte in my arms.

            I cared for Charlotte as if she was my actual mate. The pack doesn't even know otherwise. They don't know how this girl killed my brother. Or how I had her kidnapped so she can live throughout the pain. I wanted revenge and nothing more. I was only saving her life so she could live through not having her mate.  Meanwhile her actual mate, it was a win-win situation for me. I hated Alpha Tyson with a strong passion. He had killed my brothers mate when she ran into his territory by accident. I guess he is getting a taste of his own medicine now, not knowing who took Charlotte or even if she was alive.

            Doctor Raylan's P.O.V

It is a miracle this girl is even alive. She has cuts and bruises all over her body. Deep gashes in her leg and scars almost everywhere. I know the difference between fresh injuries and old ones. The rogue was only responsible for the deep gash and bruises on the Luna. The other injuries like, rope-burn wrists, several silver knife wounds, purplish black bruises, they were all older injuries. Someone has been hurting this girl, and I think I know who is.

(Was going to end it there, but I feel generous to not leave you at a cliffhanger."

            I stared down at the girl. She looked very familiar. I studied her more closely and almost smacked myself when I realized who she was. She was the Darkmoon packs Luna! Why is she here and beaten so badly. I know where enemies with that pack but, you should never pull apart someone's mate. I already know the Darkmoon pack wanted to kill us, but now with their kidnapped Luna we are sure to die. Not only a few of us, we would be slaughtered. "Nurse please go and get this list of medicine" I handed her a clipboard with various medicines on it. I knew they were across the pack hospital. I had to get Luna Charlotte back to her mate for the safety of this pack.

            I quitely locked the room door and jammed my key in it to make sure it would lots take force to get into. This is the alpha's hospital room. It was meant for protecting his injured Luna. I picked up Charlotte and fled the hospital. I spotted my car in the parking lot and placed her in the trunk. The border patrols would be investigating the car when I tried to leave, so I put her in the trunk. They know I carry silver around and what not so they never really look in the back seat or in the trunk. Thank god this was not my work car, or Luna Charlotte would be slowly dying right about now.

            I sped down the road after getting through the patrol. I now knew there was limited time before the alpha would send word to the borders to get me. I pressed the gas pedal almost fully down to the mat and the car responded and lurched forward at an incredible 120 mph.  I pulled out my cell phone and tossed it on the passenger seat after dialing the  Darkmoon's alpha's house number and pressing the speaker button. I knew Luna Charlotte looked familiar because I had seen her a few days before she was taken. How you may ask, well I'm a Darkmoon spy. I knew I had to return the Luna or else Alpha Tyson would loose everything.

            "Hello" a very distraught voice spoke into the phone, it was the Beta. "Beta, it is me Raylan. Tell the guards to stand down quickly" I said hurriedly as a line of wolves crouched up ahead ready to attack. He left the line for a second and then the wolves more hurriedly out of the way. He got back on the phone, "Raylan slow down, what are you driving so fast for?" he asked sounding somewhat angry. "Beta will all respect, listen to what I'm about to say. Alert the Alpha, his Luna is coming home." I heard the Beta stumble his next words in shock before I heard him howl with joy. His wolf was happy that their Luna was coming home.

            I ended the call and drove less crazily through the pack. I reached the Alpha's house after a couple minutes and came to a stop, the tires crunching the gravel. I saw the Beta, the Alpha's parents and other pack members outside. The Alpha was leaning against his parents and his Beta for support. I saw hope in his eyes as I climbed out of the car. A frown replaced his hope when I walked around to the back. "I'm so sorry for your loss Alpha." I said as I opened the trunk to see a still unconscious Charlotte. His eyes glimmered with tears and he almost collapsed to the ground until he heard, "but now you suffering is over." I scooped up Charlotte in my arms and pulled her out of the trunk.

            Tyson's facial expression changed from misery to the happiest expression known to mankind. He let out a whimper as tears rolled down his face. Stumbling he pushed his weak body off of the Beta and his parents. His eyes were already red and his face was soaked. I had never seen my Alpha so emotional. I smiled at him and set Charlotte on the gravel driveway. I backed away as he fell to the ground beside her. Almost as quickly as he had reached the ground, he had our unconscious Luna in his arms. He cradled her close to his body and let his head drop over her and cry. The crowd around us started crying as well seeing and feeling his emotions. "My baby. My everything" he whispered and kissed her head repeatedly.

            A small gasp was heard and we all froze as Charlotte started to open her eyes. As soon as she saw Tyson she burst into tears and buried her head in his chest. He held her tightly and ran a hand through her hair as she sobbed into his chest. Her bruised arms had wrapped around him and held onto the back off his shirt afraid that if she let go, she would lose him.

            "Come on, I think the Alpha and Luna need some space." The Beta said as he cleared his voice and wiped his cheeks. Everyone grew shocked as the once too weak to stand Alpha rose to his feet with Charlotte in his arms. He kissed her forehead as she brought her thumbs up to wipe away his tears. "Your home and never leaving me again" he said and they both smiled at each other with so much love and passion. The crowd watched as he carried her inside the house. Straight through the door he had once been dragged just to move. The alpha's parents ran over to me and brought me in a bone crushing hug. "Thank you so much" they repeated over and over in my ear. 

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