Chapter 5

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Drew and I were sitting outside at lunch when a group of people walked up to us. Drew placed a hand on my forearm as the three approached us. His body was tense and his breath became slightly heavy. His friends at the table stood and moved to block the group coming foreward, glares on their faces. I simply placed my sandwich down on my tray and dusted my hand on the side of my jeans, feeling confused. It was the one boy who Drew thought to be a spy and some others. They were all brawny and wide shouldered with thick arms and stout figures. All in all they look like they weight lifted every minute of the day.  Finally they came to a stop surrounding the table in a position of a triangle, the boy being in front. "Back off" Drew said and guzzled some water with his free hand, no doubt soothing his throat that his wolf was probably hurting with the ache to come out. "Give us the girl and we will." I spit out my water and choked a little causing Drew to pat my back. What is with people wanting me lately? "Excuse me, do you mean me" I asked pointing at myself with my thumb. The boy looked at me amazed I would even ask that but he showed no disrespect.

 "Get lost" Drew growled out at them standing in front of me in a protective stance. Woah, I just noticed how well muscled Drew was. If I didn't have a mate and a little crush on my best friend then maybe I would like him. I remained still as he mind-linked his mother and a few pack warriors over. Drew could easily take on these guys but he didn't want to risk anything. Our pack members surrounded me in a protective circle. I felt like royalty. 

"Hand her over now or face the consequences" streaky growled out lowly, him and Drew having an intense stare down. I couldn't see Drew's face but I bet his eyes were dancing dangerously between his iris and his wolves. Beta's don't take well to threats. A low warning growl came from Drew and I was pulled to my feet. Oh no my sandwich. I quickly grabbed the rest of the sub and took a bite out of it. "Leave now" Drew growled out in his Beta voice, snapping me out of my food thoughts. It was a direct order from the beta of this pack. To be able to fight that command would mean there was a major threat. We would have traitors among us. The wolves remained. Well fish pee. 

Suddenly a siren went off from the school. The long drawn out battle horn was echoing throughout the lunch court. It was the signal that we were being attacked. Male and female warriors howled as they shifted, others running frantically for safety. I froze. Off in the far distance I could several wolves running towards us. It wasn't far from the school which is what made my heart pound. Why am I reacting this way? I'm a hunter. I should be used to this. 

"Get her to safety. You traitor!" That was all I heard before Drew shifted causing the others to shift. Drew's mom hurried me into the school and pack warriors locked the doors behind us. Strips of silver were placed through both doors as a way of protection. The sounds of feet slamming against the tile echoed in the hallways, causing a ringing to fill my eyes. I winced as people were pushing into lockers trying to get past one another. Looking around I noticed two warrior wolves pacing the locked hallway doors. They were most likely teachers in this hall wing. One stopped pacing and lifted his head up to look at me. His eyes clouded over a second before he went back to pacing. Feeling a tug on my arm I got reminded of the situation we were in.  I was rushed down to the basement of the school. Drew's mother and I were the only ones going down this way. Why? Who knew schools had basements?

From upstairs I heard loud banging and scratching noises on the doors. It was enough to cause me to bend over with my hands held to my ears. Pain resonated through my head at the shrill scratching of the metal doors. It was like running finger nails down a chalkboard. I was ushered down the rest of the stairs carefully.  I would have been scared except for the fact that I'm a hunter. Hunters shouldn't show fear, unless they see a jumping spider, then you can scream all you want. Those things don't mess around. Cassy (Drew's mom) opened a metal door and the strong scent of silver hit me like a train. My knees weakened and my throat felt like it tightened up. Thankfully down here in the basement the scratching sounds were dulled due to the heavy exit door. "Come now darling we must get you inside a cell." I was placed on a bench inside the cold metal trap. The bars were made of full out silver and the lock also had wolfs bane on it. She stood outside my cell and locked it as I coughed and fell to the floor. "I'm sorry sweetie, the stronger the silver, the harder it is for them to get to you. The bad thing is you get weaker."

I felt my wolf slowly being pushed out of my mind and squeezed my eyes shut, knowing there wasn't a thing I could do about it. "The alpha has arrived" Cassy informed me. "Which one..." I trailed off trying to sit up. It felt like this room was slowly killing me. "Cassy I need to get out of here... I feel like I'm dying... my wolf... she's gone" Before she could reply there were screams coming from upstairs. "The students..." I trailed off, "Shush darling, they can fight." Tons of screams echoed from the floor above me and it caused my stomach to lurch. It reminded me of my past.I shook my head to rid myself of my thoughts. I also closed my mouth in hopes of saving some energy. I have never been in a room so suffocating. Thudding on the ceiling could be heard and the walls shook. 'I should be fighting' I thought to myself and pushed from the ground. "Let me out" I stumbled, but thankfully caught myself before my skin could touch the cell. "No swee-..." "Let me out" I said with all the power I could muster up. She obeyed and unlocked the cell unwillingly. I drunkenly walked out of the cell almost falling over. "I need to get out of here" I said and Cassy stood in front of the door, blocking my path. "Don't make me command you again Cassy, I-I don't want to..."

She stubbornly looked back at me and I sighed, "Open the door." She opened the door and I instantly exited the silver death trap of a room. I felt my senses sharpening again as well as my strength building. "Charlie" my wolf whispered to me. "Yeah I'm back, now let's go kick some werewolf butt."

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