Chapter 7

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Made a longer chapter for you guys!

I took small steps as I walked closer to the loud commotion and growls. My wolf was bouncing off the walls I put up so she wouldn't take over; we both knew I was the better fighter. A gray wolf rolled into my view and I immediately knew it was one of the Dark moon packs by the scar it had going up its chest. I aimed and pressed the trigger. The pencils went flying through the air and in a swift motion they pierced the wolf in the neck. It howled in agony before a large brown wolf jumped in and sunk its teeth into the wolf's neck, quickly ending its life. I noticed by the size and the color of the wolf that it was Aiden. He came running towards me and pushed me into an empty classroom with his side.

I held my crossbow firmly in my hands, you never know if someone's hiding or where they're at. Aiden shifted and I squeaked and turned around as he slid on a pair of shorts that were in the lost and found box. "Charlie" he said and hugged me from behind. I turned around and hugged him back. He seemed so nervous and was his whole body was shaking, most likely do to adrenaline. "You were supposed to be in the basement. I was so scared" he whispered and hugged me tighter, "Why" I asked and pulled away loading two more pencils in the slot of the crossbow. "The Dark moon pack is attacking because the alpha wants his mate back." I felt my wolf become super happy and she started getting hyper again. I pushed her to the back of my mind and listened to what Aiden was saying.

"He thinks we have his mate imprisoned or we've hurt her and is ready to kill anyone he sets his eyes on" Aiden looked me in the eye. "I was just worried you had gotten hurt or taken or or..." he started rambling off and I cut him short. "Aiden I am fine, just because I can't mind link the pack doesn't mean I'm hurt. Both of us need to be out there fighting." He tried arguing saying I should be helping people get into the shelter. "I am better off fighting, helping people would put my guard down and causing me and the person I would be helping to be in danger. And plus I can't fight beside you, because you know the alpha will be looking for you and his mate. It's best we go our separate ways."

Aiden looked defeated, but he nodded in understanding. He hugged me and kissed my cheek before shifting and running out of the classroom. I shut and locked the classroom door and walked over to a desk and grabbed a textbook. With one hand I threw the textbook at the window and grabbed my crossbow as it smashed. My eyes widened when I saw the devastation outside the school. I spotted a little girl no older a five years old crying right in the middle of the chaos. I leapt through the window frame and cursed when I cut my hand on a shard that was still in the frame. That's what happens when you don't focus. I sprinted from the building and over to where the girl was.

As if in slow motion I saw a wolf lunging at the girl and leapt in front of her. The wolf shoved me to the ground with its heavy body.I could feel the brick floor dig into my shoulder blades as I immediately began to try and throw the wolf off of me. My head started to throb, but I focused on the wolf snapping its teeth at my neck. My inner wolf overpowered me and my claws sharpened. In a quick swipe, I cut across the face of the enemy on top of me, then pulled the trigger and shot into the under part of the wolf's neck. Blood dripped down from the holes in its neck and onto my stomach. I raised my leg using my wolf speed as an advantage and cracked many rib bones. I pushed the wolf off me with much of my strength and stood up, quickly re-loading my crossbow. I grabbed the crying little girl and told her, "hold on tight." I used my wolves speed and ran to the pack house and gave the girl to a woman running to the shelter. "Find her mom!" I shouted. Just as I went to run back to the fight I felt an immense burning in the right side of my back and crumbled to my knees, screaming in pain. "Charlie" I heard my wolf yell as she faded away. Silver. I was already weak; the silver was just too much for me. I fell the rest of the way to the ground and coughed rapidly, feeling as if my lungs were filled of a toxic substance.

The effects of the silver basement from earlier still lingered and caused me to be even weaker. "Payback's a B." a male voice said from above me. It held anger, yet at the same time, humor.The distant sounds of screams were still audible, making my struggle to surpass the pain in my body and rise up again. I felt the knife get pulled out only to have it slice into the skin of my thigh. I screamed in pain as another burning blaze spiked through the nerves in my whole body, stronger than any electricity. I looked up at the person who towered over me and used my last remaining energy to pull the trigger of my crossbow, only to have nothing pro-ject. The pencils had slid out when I fell to the floor. The male laughed and I felt him pick me up. 'Why are you picking me up?' I thought feeling my fingers spark a little. He roughly threw me over his shoulder, causing the knife to embed itself further into my flesh with every step he took. My vision started to become hazy and I knew if the silver stayed in my leg too much longer I would pass out. My arms swung helplessly as my hair covered my eyes from any sight around me.

I could tell I had lost my pencils and my crossbow. I could also tell my shoulder and my leg was bleeding. Today sucked! "The alpha will take tremendous pleasure in killing you slowly for all of us that you have murdered." I could only listen to the pride his voice. Through the screams and howls a loud grumble was heard and the guy dropped me on the floor to shift. My body felt numb as it slipped from his grasp and I landed on the concrete. I barely noticed a red wolf blur past me as snapping and whimpering followed. Finally someone ran over to me, but sadly I couldn't tell who it was since my mind was fuzzy and I was on the verge of passing out. I felt the immense burning in my leg stop and someone picked me up again. "Charlie oh my god what's happened to you." It sounded like Drew. I just mumbled out incoherent words trying to get my senses back. I felt my limbs dangle helplessly like branches of a tree in the wind. My body literally felt like it could shut down at any moment. After what felt like forever I was placed on something soft and I saw Drew get wet rags.

It had been a while now and most of my senses were strong, but still foggy. I finally realized how badly I was hurt. My thigh was bloody and my hand was too. I could tell by the coldness of my shirt that it was also bloody. There were multiple cuts and bruises lining my figure. I couldn't see the bruises on my shoulders and back from coming in contact with the ground so many times, but I could sure feel them. "Never scare me like that again" Drew said and started washing one of my stab wounds. I hissed it pain, but he kept cleaning. If you don't clean a cut of any silver then your body can get infected and you will slowly die. Drew held pity in his eyes as he washed out as many of my wounds as he could. It was easily done considering my sweatpants were town and bloody. I looked up at Drew as he cleaned my leg. He had cuts on his face and arms. There were also puncture marks in his left shoulder too. He had taken lots of injuries just as I had.

"The fight is still going on, I have to help them" I stated and attempted to sit up. Drew was not having that, so instead he placed his hands on my shoulders and held me back down on the bed. Just as he did that the bedroom door burst open and wood went flying everywhere. Drew leaned closer to my body protecting it. After the wood had stopped flying everywhere the most vicious growl I have heard all night, cut through the air. It was full of so much anger. I felt my stomach do flips over and over again, but in my mind I was screaming. Drew remained close to my body, his eyes shut in pain. The wood pieces probably embedded into the skin of his back. From the doorway of the room came a voice. "What are you doing with my mate?" it growled out.

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