Chapter 6

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I went up the stairs quietly and entered the gym from the locker room. I saw across the basketball court two wolves growling at a female looking wolf. The female was much smaller and was of the Red moon pack, my new pack. They were cornering her, snapping their jaws to promote fear. The female was easily scared and shook like a life at the two massive wolves. I quickly looked around for something I could toss at them and smirked when I saw a basketball. The one time I like it. I grabbed the ball and threw it with all my strength at one of the two Dark moon wolves. It hit the wolf in the head with a loud crunch that echoed throughout the room. That's got to hurt. The wolf turned its nasty looking head towards me and instantly went sprinting at me. The other wolf clearly didn't think I was worthy enough as it continued to torment the female wolf.

I made a mad dash towards the bleachers and pulled out a knife from my sleeve. As soon as I reached the top bleacher I jumped with all my strength off the cement back wall and watched the wolf slam into the wall as I fell to a lower bench. Stupid mutt. The wolf growled and lunged at me. That is when I threw the knife at the furry beast with near perfect accuracy. The knife sliced into its neck and it fell into the bleachers whining. So close. I walked over and grabbed the knife from its neck and elongated my claws making a swift cut to its muscles, ending its life. Don't mess with me or my pack.

I looked to the other wolf at the end of the gym and took off running. I threw the knife at it, but just as it was about to hit it another wolf shoved it out of the way. "Really" I yelled and quickly grabbed a pencil from the bleacher I was standing on. 'We need our bag' my wolf said and I nodded my head. The only other weapon I had on me was a silver knife. It was safely wrapped in cloth though and only used as a last resort since it would weaken me to use it. I snapped the pencil in half and threw it at the wolf charging it me. It struck its front leg. I threw the other one and it hit its eye. SCORE! The wolf howled in pain as I ran from the gym. My feet slid and the lower half of my body skidded to the side as I thrust open the doors of the gym. They slammed against the walls, but the sound was drowned out by the chaos in the halls. Several wolves fought against one another, often slamming into lockers. 'The bags in our locker' my wolf said as I sprinted down the hallway. I reached my locker somehow through the fighting wolves.

A loud menacing growl caused me to glance around the new hallway I was in. A lone wolf stood there, away from the battle, with its teeth barred and a cold look in its eyes. 'Fudge' I thought and quickly ran into the females bathroom beside me. All I heard was my labored breaths and the clacking of the dogs over grown nails. The wolf slammed into the cement wall as it tried wedging its big body through the entrance. I looked around the bathroom, 'think, think' I thought to myself. I smiled as an idea popped into my head. I shoved the stall door open and gripped the metal toilet paper dispenser. With a strong tug it came off the stall wall and I smirked. I ran over to the wolf and jumped as high as I could in the air. As I went down I put force into my arms and slammed the metal on its head, creating a rather large dent.

I cheered myself on when it got very dizzy. I dropped the container and with a swift kick the wolf was out cold. I did not have time to bother with it. Instead I ran from the bathroom and got to my locker. I didn't fool with the stupid lock and ripped the door off. I tossed it to the floor causing a loud clatter to fill my ears, and grabbed my purse. "Schools safe my A" I muttered, mocking a quote Aiden had said to me. I dumped the contents of my purse out on the floor, that stuff didn't matter.They rolled down the hallway. It would be hilarious if a wolf slipped on my cocoa coconut chap stick.

I pulled out several different pieces from a hidden slot at the bottom of the bag and started combining them. I had a full out crossbow in no time. I shoved one full 24 pack of sharpened pencils in each sweatpants pocket and loaded two into the slot. 'this is going to be fun' me and my wolf said at the same time. Kicking the lip glosses to the side I began walking down the empty hallway. 

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