Chapter 26

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Chapter 26







"So, I have a question," Jackson whispered as he continued to drive down the half crowded highway.

"Ask away," I replied back as he softly grasped my hand.

"Why was her last name Rose?" He asked as I sighed and looked out the window.

"That was my last name when I was younger. Scarlett Rose. But after a tragic event on a rainy night, I got it changed so I wouldn't get hurt." I whispered while tightening my grip on his large hand. Sensing my distress, I saw him in the corner of my eye nodded quietly as if he got the message. "If you'd like me to explain, then I can. I don't mind." I added as he shook his head.

"No, I don't want you to feel depressed." He sighed as I gave him a small smile before shaking my head.

"It'd be better if I'd talk about it. I haven't talked to anybody about it since I barely escaped." I stated as he quickly glanced at me for a second.

"Barely escaped? Could I please know what happened?" He inquired as a worried look crossed his face.

"Okay, but if you miss a part, I might not repeat it," I whispered as he nodded. "It was the rainiest night of February. Ruby and Jojo were gone to our grandparent's house so they could meet them and spend some quality time together. That only left me, our parents, our little brother, and our older sister. My father was a famous man around the small city because he was the sheriff and my mother was an investigator who would work alongside him. Anyway, we were all gathered in the living room watching a movie on the tv when our front door broke off its hinge by somebody's heavy foot before about five large men ran into the living room holding guns. We could easily tell who was the one in charge because he was the greatest of them all. I recognized him as one of the most famous drugs dealers in town. My mom would always show me a picture of him and tell me to stay away from him, but now was different. He was standing before us with a gun in his hand, a set of wet clothing that held a bulletproof vest beneath it, and dark muddy shoes." I paused and took a deep yet painful breath as Jackson glanced at me for a second. "I'm all right," I stated while sighing. "As soon as the first gun went off, I ran knowing that I'd be next. The guns just continued to go off as I ran to the back door and swung it open before turning and hiding in the kitchen closet. I left the door open so they'd think that I ran out into the roaring rain. They thought I did and sent a few men out there to find me even though I was in the closet. But what caught my full attention was my older sister's muffled cry before another gun went off. My little brother pleaded and cried for them not to kill him but after a few seconds, another gun went off, silencing his pleas, and his body dropped to the carpet with a dull thud." I whispered while wiping away my tears.

"It's okay, my love. You're safe as long as I'm living." He calmly soothed while kissing my hand which he still held. Sighing quietly, I leaned my head on the cold glass of the window before smiling softly and closing my eyes.

"I never usually say this much, but I love you. I'm glad that we met at that party." I whispered as he chuckled lightly before kissing my hand again.

"I love you too, my love." He whispered back as I slowly started drifting off to sleep.


A Few Weeks Later~

It had been awhile since I told Jackson about myself and to tell you the truth, I'm glad I did. I feel so much better.

"Babe?" Jackson called from the washroom as I muted the tv.

"Yes, hun?" I called back as he shuffled around some more before grunting in aggravation. "Honey?" I called again as he let out a loud huff before shuffling around some more.



"Where did you put my suit?" He asked after a while of silence before leaning over the couch with a frown on his face.

"It should be in our closet on the last row of racks. What's wrong?" I asked while staring up at him as he shook his head before disappearing up the stairs with his heavy footsteps. Something must've happened to make him this pissed off. Sighing, I slowly slid my feet off of the cushion that I had propped them up on before trailing up the stairs slowly since I was about to be seven months now.

As I reached the top floor, I took a deep breath before slowly walking towards our bedroom. Walking in was easy, but seeing an even angrier version of Jackson wasn't. He was angrily buttoning up his white collar shirt while mumbling things about somebody. Sighing quietly to myself, I walked over to him and pushed his hands away as I redid the buttons on his shirt.

"Honey, what's wrong? And don't give me the silent treatment, I want to know." I whispered sternly while looking up at him as he ran his hand through his hair stressfully.

"It's work. Things are starting to get harder now since Olivia hired Henry. They're trying their best to put you in the spotlight where they can expose every little thing about you. It's just pissing me off to the point where I just want to throw them off a building." He growled as I laughed at the last part. That seemed to cheer him up a bit as his face had softened and a smile was now making its way onto his face.

"They won't unless they want to be sued. The only thing that I have to do is tell my grandparents that they're trying to expose my past and they'll sue the shit out of them, the paparazzi, and their corporation. So there's nothing to worry about, sweetie. Just relax and take it easy. And if you must, you may throw them off of a building. Just don't be seen." I teased while smiling as he started laughing.

"You are so meant for me." He whispered while bending down to kiss me. "Now, since I'm in a better mood, I'll take my leave before I get lazy and call in sick." He grinned while walking out of our bedroom door with me behind him. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me, cupcake." He whispered while stopping at the front door before turning around.

"Cupcake? I want some now." I sighed while pouting as he started laughing again before leaning over to kiss me.

"I'll get Anna to stop and get you some on her way over here." He smiled as I handed him his briefcase before straightening his tie and kissing him one more time.

"Sprinkles?" I asked as he smiled and nodded.

"With sprinkles." He whispered while sneaking another kiss.

"When you get home, we are SO gonna talk about that door." I pouted while pointing upstairs to the door that had a lock on it. He nodded with a smile on his lips before closing the door.


Slightly Edited

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