Chapter 2

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Chapter 2





Slowly opening my eyes, I looked up at the dark ceiling with a groan as my hangover began.

Where was I?

Sitting up, I noticed the messy room and empty bed.

How did I get here?

Noticing my nakedness, memories of last night started flooding my head like a movie. I was slightly drunk but I can still remember some of what happened. I remember drinking and getting drunk, talking to a hot guy, than screwing him. I must say, those abs were nice and hard as was his little 'friend'.

"Shit." I scolded myself while roughly rubbing my hands down my face. I just had a one night stand with a hot guy who apparently didn't want me to see his face since he wasn't still here in the bed next to me. Sighing, I quickly got dressed and looked for my flats. Just as I had found them, I discovered something else.

A business card with a name on it. Raising an eyebrow, I inspected the card slowly.

Jackson Sampson. Sampson? Sampson.

Why does that name sound familiar?

Shrugging, I shoved the card into my purse and grabbed my cellphone before hurrying down the crowded stairs and out of the house. There were people sprawled out all over the lawn and the sidewalk just like the inside of the house. Just as I had stepped onto the sidewalk, my phone started singing 'All About That Bass' by Meghan Trainor.

"Hello?" I answered, knowing exactly who it was. After she realized that I didn't set a ringtone for her, or anybody else in my contacts, she automatically assigned that song for her since it was her favorite.

"So." Ruby answered back while holding the word out, longer than necessary. She was one of those people who didn't peek around the bush unless she had to which was rare for her.

"So, what?" I asked while beginning my journey down the sidewalk towards any available bus stops that could drop me off at the bus stop near our house.

"So, who's britches did you jump last night?" She asked, amusement clearly in her voice. See what I mean?

"I don't know." I half lied while scratching my head. That was the one thing that I had forgot to pay attention to but could you blame a girl? I was caught up in the moment.

"What do you mean, 'I don't know'?!" She screeched from her side of the phone as I quickly pulled it away from my ear before rubbing my aching forehead. No more drinks for me.

"I didn't see his face." I shrugged as she sighed into the phone. She was probably going to lecture me on the different types of diseases that I could get or how that stranger could have killed me.

"So, basically you and this unknown guy jumped each others britches last night?" She questioned after a few seconds of silence.


"Well than okay. By the way, Jojo's still drunk. She passed out on the sofa this morning since she came home last night drunk as hell with an escort who dropped her off and left."

"But wait. Didn't she say-" I stopped myself and looked up at the cloudy sky as the rain started pouring down in heavy bundles. "Got to go. See you in a little bit." I quickly hung up before shoving my phone into my purse and sprinting down the sidewalk.

Great way to start my morning.

Note the sarcasm.

[A Few Weeks Later]

I sat, hunched over the toilet, puking the bowels of my stomach out like I had done yesterday and the day before that and so on. I kept trying to question myself on what was causing this but this was all that I had gotten so far.

Did I eat something bad?

Had it gone rotten?

Just as I had thought about those questions, another wave of nausea hit me causing me to lean back in. It didn't take long before I heard the door open and somebody walk in.

"Babe. I think you should go see a doctor." Jojo whispered while rubbing my back as Ruby was holding my hair up as I emptied the last bit of whatever was in my stomach into the toilet.

"I agree." Ruby added as I collapsed next to the toilet with sweat coating my body.

"I-I will." I stuttered while breathing heavily as Ruby left the bathroom, leaving me and Jojo by ourselves. She quietly approached me as I quietly watched her.

"Can you stand on your own?" She questioned as I nodded and stood up, a little shaky. I felt off balance and hot.

"Yeah, I'm okay now darling. I'm just going to take a shower and go back to sleep." I stated while attempting to walk past her as she quickly stopped me from moving any further.

"No you're not. We're going to the hospital when you're finished. It could be something worse than something you ate. It might be a bug or a nasty parasite. Now you get cleaned up and we'll be waiting for you in the living room." Ruby instructed while walking back into the bathroom with her Samsung Galaxy in her hand.

"Okay." I mumbled as they handed me a towel, a washcloth, and some fresh soap that smelled of flowers. After they left, I took my time and undressed since I could barely hold my balance before stepping into the already running shower.

Jojo must have turned it on while I was standing there talking to Ruby.

As soon as I had reached for the soap, it didn't take my body long to react to the hot water as I could myself swaying before everything faded out.

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