Chapter 20

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Chapter 20






A Few Weeks Later~

We sat together as Jackson's father went through his files slowly. After a few minutes, he looked up at us and smiled.

"I guess I can permit this. Are you two sure?" He asked with a raised eyebrow as I nodded.

"It'll help the children where I used to live. They'll have a place to play at." I smiled while resting my hands on my large stomach. I was already six months pregnant with twins who didn't like to settle down.

"Okay, I'll get these plans ready for my construction company. Anything else that you'd like for this project?" He asked as I smiled.

"A new daycare for teenage mothers in that community, so they can still go to school and graduate." I nodded as he smiled.

"Will do. You have a good heart, dear." He smiled as Jackson helped me stand.

"Thank you. When I was younger, I had a few friends who got pregnant and dropped out of school because they didn't have anybody to take care of their babies. Anywho, thank you." I smiled while walking towards the door.

"I'll be home in a little bit." Jackson nodded as I closed the door behind me. I quietly waddled to the elevator before pressing the button and waiting.

"Miss Cammington?" Somebody asked as I turned to see a tall, pale boy standing before me.

"Who are you?" I asked while eyeing him carefully as he started chuckling.

"You are as beautiful as you were when you were younger. I'm saddened that you've forgotten me, Scar." He smiled while staring back at me with his jade green eyes.

"How do you know who I am?" I asked while slowly moving away from him as he sighed and ran his hand through his light blonde hair.

"I was the pale boy who you came and visited when we were younger. The one that you took care of because you hated for me to be alone. Remember?" He asked as it finally clicked in my head.

"Henry? Is that you?" I asked, astonished by his change. He used to be short with hair as long as my grandmother's.

"Yep. Me in the flesh." He smiled while hugging me as I hugged him back.

"Why are you here? Did they let you out of the hospital?" I asked once we pulled away. I think he just realized that I was pregnant.

"Umm...I'm here to meet up with a coworker, and they released me from the hospital a month after you moved.'re pregnant?" He asked as his eyes trailed down to my outstretched stomach.

"Yes and that's good, Henry." I smiled as he continued to stare.

"Is there a problem?" Jackson asked as Henry turned and looked at him.

"No, none at all sweetie. We were just talking." I smiled as Jackson looked at Henry before nodding.

"Hello, Henry. It's good to finally meet you in person." Jackson smiled even though the air felt tense. Was I missing out on something? Henry turned to me for a second before smiling.

"It was good talking to you again, Scar. See you later." He added while turning and walking away as Jackson continued to stare at him until he was out of sight.

"Do you know him, Scarlett?" Jackson asked as we stepped into the elevator before the doors closed.

"Yes, he was one of my childhood friends," I whispered while leaning my head back on the wall. Jackson grunted before shaking his head.

"Stay away from him. I don't like him." He grumbled while staring down at me with an intense look on his face. It somewhat intimidated me, but I was curious to why.

"How do you know Henry?" I asked while gazing up into his eyes as he sighed.

"He's the one that's been giving your name to the media. He's the reason why we won't let you go out by yourself. The cameramen can seriously injure you." He sighed while wrapping his arm around my waist as I sighed.

"I know," I mumbled while leaning into him.


 Slightly Edited 

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