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Two Years Later~

I quietly crossed one swollen foot over the other as they went on and on. I mean, who in the right mind talks about Transformers? Or Barbies?

My children.

"Mommy, tell Aiden that Barbies are prettier," Lucy whined while crossing her small arms over her small chest before pouting.

"Mommy's gonna say Transformers because Barbies look like shit." He shrugged while playing with his Transformer like he didn't do anything wrong.

"Aiden, where did you learn that word from?" I asked while slowly standing up as he turned and looked up at me.

"Uncle was telling Daddy that." He mumbled as I gently rubbed my temples. I don't know how many times now that I have told those two not to argue over football teams with Aiden in the room. Whatever they say, he'll say. "Oh fuck!" He shouted as I opened my eyes and looked down at him. In his hand was one of Lucy's Barbie dolls with no head.

"Aiden, stop saying those words. Now where's the head to that doll?" I asked as he looked up at me with his big beautiful mahogany brown eyes before smiling.

"I don't know." He shrugged while handing Lucy back her Barbie as she looked at it with surprise clearly on her face. She didn't cry, she never did. She just simply threw the doll at him before storming out of their room.

"Baby." I sighed while looking towards the open door before turning back to Aiden who was happily playing with his toy. "Aiden, give me one reason for why I shouldn't tell your father," I growled as he looked up at me and smiled.

"I'm cute." He continued to smile as I sighed. This little kid is just the cutest little trouble maker.

"What's going on?" The husky voice of my husband asked while walking into the room with an angry looking Lucy attached to his right leg and our one-year-old son, Julian, in his arms. His once short curly brown hair was now down to his shoulders as a little stubble had settled on his chin. He looked the exact same except for the shoulder length curly hair and dark stubble, but that only made him look even sexier.

"Your son learned some new words and he also broke our daughter's Barbie doll. Aiden, do you want to tell daddy what you told mommy?" I asked as he continued to play with his toy.

"I told mommy that Barbies were shit and she got mad." He mumbled as Jackson started chuckling lightly before it turned into a laughing fit. I just stood there staring at him like 'What the hell is funny?' When he noticed my face with my raised eyebrow mixed with a frown, he stopped and became serious.

"Son, don't say those words. Now apologize to your sister." He demanded sternly as Aiden pouted before walking over to his sister.

"I'm sorry." He whispered before turning to me. "Play now?" He asked with a frown on his cute little face.

"Have you learned your lesson?" I asked while meeting his angry gaze as he nodded.


"I've got something that can make this day even more....nicer." His father interrupted as I turned and looked at him while he took slow, cautious strides towards me. Without any hesitation, he gently lifted my chin with his fingers before leaning in and pecking my lips softly.

"What do you have in thought?" I asked, pulling away from our kiss as he smiled softly before caressing my cheek.

"How about we all go out and spend some family time together? You, me, and the children." He whispered while trailing his hand down to my outstretched stomach that prevented us from getting too close to each other.

"...I don't know. I still have to finish up some stories for the newspaper." I mumbled as he started rubbing on my stomach.

"But you're on leave until the baby is born, plus, it'll give us all enough time to bond together. Maybe Aiden will learn to be nicer to his twin." He whispered while looking down at me with the same mahogany brown eyes. I thought about it. He was right. Aiden needed some bonding time with us all.

"Okay." I smiled while pulling his face up before pecking him on the lips. "Hey kids, wanna go to the park?" I asked as Aiden looked up at us before looking at Lucy who was too busy looking up at us to pay attention to him. "And we can stop by the pet shop," I added while smiling as the twins perked up.

"Let's go!!" They cheered while jumping up and down as I looked back at Jackson before frowning.

"Also, we need to have a talk about the things that you and Jasper talk about when Aiden's around you." I sighed as he chuckled softly.


An Hour Later~

After ice cream and going to the pet shop, we headed towards the park like one big happy family. One pregnant mother, one muscular father, carrying a baby in a strap-on baby carrier with a diaper bag swung onto his shoulder, and two little children grasping each of the parent's hand.

"Mommy, can we go play?" Aiden asked while looking up at me as I smiled.

"Sure, but don't go far from mommy or daddy and do not talk to strangers." I nodded as him, and his sister ran off towards the playground as I located the nearest bench and took a seat while Jackson did the same. "So, how's Anna?" I asked as he kissed Julian cap covered head before looking at me.

"She's off at college." He admitted proudly as I smiled.

"That's great," I stated as he leaned over and kissed me on the lips.

"I know, and our life has gotten better too. We're married, we have three children and another on the way, and we both have great lives. I'm just glad that you forgave me. And for that, I want to say, I love you with all of my heart." He proclaimed while kissing me again as I smiled.

"I love you too."

. . .

In the end, everything turned out alright.

Jasper met a beautiful fair lady who shaped him into the caring man he is now while Ruby and Richard are expecting their first child soon, may the Lord help them. The first ones are always full of surprises and sleepless nights.

Jojo is off in Cali with her new lover while living the good life. George, Jackson's twin brother, is off somewhere in Panama partying like he's young. Gabriel is still having troubles with his ex-wife but is making it through with the help of my bestie, Snow.

My parents-in-laws are still living in their huge mansion, providing for the poor including my old hometown. My grandparents have moved out of their larger estate and have settled down on the countryside in the same little cottage I stayed in so the children will have room to run around.

And last but not least, Mary is off somewhere being the stuck up slut that she is. Oh! Olivia was the one who hit me with her car by the way. After that day, she mysteriously died. Nobody knows what happened.

Her father, on the other hand, didn't seem too surprised. He just silently cried while his one of his sons took her place as the CEO of their business.

Life is good.



Well, thank you all for reading this book! This is a sweet farewell for now, and I must admit, I do feel somewhat sadden by my leave.

There will be a second book. Yeah, I'm still debating on that, but there will be a book following Gabriel's life. So check it out.

Once again, it'll be called The Billionaire's New Wife.

Well, thank you, all and I'd like to dedicate this last chapter to one of my promising readers, @rovamwere Thank you so much for reading. I take quite a notice to my readers.

But anywho, sweet farewell, my lovely readers.

This chapter has been edited.

~The Author

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