Chapter 28

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Chapter 28







Sighing for the fifth time tonight, I laid back down and cuddled up to Jackson, trying my best to go back to sleep. But, the twins were very hyperactive, and Jackson was still asleep.

"Papa bear?" I whispered while kissing the tip of his nose as he pouted a little before snoring softly. He was just so cute and peaceful. Sighing, I tried again. "Papa bear?" This time, I kissed the stubble on his chin as he continued to snore. "My water broke!" I gasped aloud as he jolted upright before yanking the blankets back.

"WE NEED TO GET YOU TO THE HOSPITAL!" He shouted as the twins started kicking harder from their father's raised volume.

"Baby, I was just kidding. But, you frightened the twins." I stated while flinching in pain as one of them kicked my abdomen. He looked at me worriedly before smiling.

"I have something that'd help." He whispered while laying down on the feather top mattress before crawling over to my stomach. "Hi, our little trouble makers. I'm sorry I was loud, but do you know your mother has a beautiful heart? She loves you both equally, but she needs her sleep, so off to bed with you two." He whispered while planting soft kisses on my stomach as they started to settle down. "Good, now lets sleep like a family." He whispered while pulling up the comforter before holding his arms open for me as I smiled and cuddled up to him again.

"You're going to be a great father," I whispered while kissing him as he pulled back and smiled.

"And you'll be a great mother." He whispered back while stroking my stomach before kissing me.


The Next Morning~

I sat on the comfortable leather couch with my feet propped up on a pillow as Jackson shuffled through a large pile of paperwork on his desk. He sat there, staring at each paper with his glasses upon his nose. Yep, glasses. It was a surprise to me too, but now he just looks hotter.

"Sir, your clients are here." His secretary buzzed from his phone as he looked up at it before sighing.

"Let them in." He ordered while pressing the button before leaning back in his chair. He gently took off his reading glasses before closing his eyes and rubbing his face like he was stressed.

"Honey, would you like me to go get you something?" I asked as he shook his head gently before somebody started knocking loudly. He opened his eyes and fixed himself up before sighing.

"Come in!" He shouted while staring at the door which opened to reveal Henry and Olivia. She stopped in her tracks and looked at me before turning her nose up at me.

"Why the hell is she here? I thought this was supposed to be a business meeting." She growled as Jackson started frowning.

"This has nothing to do with the business of my fiancée if you have a problem then I suggest you leave." He spoke, his voice stern but his face blank.

"Fiancée?" They both asked while turning and looking at me with surprise on their faces as I just stared back at them with boredom clear on my face.

"First, you knock her up, then you're marrying her?!! You've dropped low! Especially for this poor little fraud!!" She shouted as I rolled my eyes. She was still on this.

"Me, a fraud? Aww, you're too sweet, darling. Now, hasn't your mother ever told you that it's rude to talk about people?" I asked as she looked at me like she was surprised that I spoke back to her. "Yeah! I have a mouth, bitch!" I laughed while smirking as Jackson let out a chuckle.

"Now, since you've insulted my fiancée, is there anything else you want before I have security escort you out?" He asked as she smiled and pushed her hair back gently.

"Sure." She nodded while turning to me. "One day, you'll be all alone, and that's when I'll swoop in and just erase you and your little monsters from the face of the Earth." She threatened with a glint of sincerity in her eyes.

"So, you're that jealous? Hmm. That's good to know. Be expecting a call from some significant people, later on, today. I felt bad for you before, but after you had insulted my children, I'm just quite fed up with your childishness." I sighed while turning my nose up at her. "You wouldn't have survived one day in my life without your money or your father because you're only just a spoiled little brat who cries or throw tantrums when you don't get what you want. Whenever you're finished being a child, then we can talk like the adults we are." I smiled as she stood there looking surprised.

"How dare you speak to me like that, you ruthless littー" Just as she was about to insult me, the large wooden double doors flew open.

"Ruthless little what? Did you not learn your lesson a few months back when I had beat the shit out of you?" Jojo asked while casually walking in with her hands in her jet black denim pants.

"Y-You! Stay away from me! I-I'll tell my dad!" She screamed while running away from Jovonni.

"Tell yo daddy. By the time he gets here, they'll be escorting you to the hospital with more than just a broken nose." Jojo smirked while pulling her hands out of her pocket and popping her knuckles that her covered in black, leathered fingerless gloves.

"No!! Jackson!!" She screamed while running towards him as he held up his large hand.

"It's not my battle." He shrugged as Jojo continued smirking.

"Are you ready for your well-needed ass whooping?" She asked as Olivia pulled out her cell phone before quickly dialing a few numbers. We all just watched her as she put the cell to her ear before she started sobbing.

"Daddy! These people are trying to hurt me!" She cried into the phone as Jojo looked over at me with a 'what in the hell?' look on her face as I shrugged. I was as lost as her. She stopped crying for a little bit as her father talked on the other end. Nobody but her could hear him, so we didn't know what he was saying until he started shouting.

"YOU ARE A GROWN WOMAN! IF YOU'RE GONNA KEEP CALLING ME OVER STUPID SHIT, THAN DON'T!! DON'T CALL ME!" He shouted as her face flushed over with embarrassment.

"But Daddy.." She stopped as the loud beeping rung out through the large office before she ran out, hysterically sobbing.


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