Chapter 12

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Chapter 12




I pushed away from him and walked out of his office, hurrying to the lounge where my little sister sat.

"What's wrong?" She asked, noticing my expression which probably looked like a mixture of me wanting to cry and probably wanting to punch somebody's face in.

"Nothing. I'm just going to go home." I mumbled, quickly walking towards the elevator as I noticed Jackson hurrying towards me.

"Wait. Scarlett!" He shouted, trying to catch the elevator as the doors quickly closed.

Sighing, I leaned back against the cold metal wall before closing my eyes.

I let this happen again.

I gave my heart to another guy hoping he wouldn't do me like the previous one, but I was sadly wrong.

I was just reliving another bad nightmare.

I bet most of you are wondering, 'who is Andrew?'

Andrew, he was my fiancé, one of the people that I fell in love with.

I put aside the beatings because he promised that he would change, but the week of the wedding, I caught him in the act of cheating on me with one of the bridesmaids.

The first thing that came out of my mouth before I broke down in a sob, 'Why?'

His response made me want to just kill him.

'You're no good. You couldn't supply me with my needs.'

By then, all tears were gone and were replaced with anger.

I wasted about six years with him.

The sudden 'ding' pulled me from my memories as I walked out of the elevator and into the large lobby. I gave the receptionist a small smile before hurrying towards the doors.

Just as I was about to reach for the door, somebody picked me up as I let out a small squeak.

Turning, I looked into those angry mahogany brown eyes and sighed.


"Put me down!" I shouted as he glared down at me, like he was telling me to be quiet with his eyes. "Where are we going?" I asked, realizing that there was a possibility that I just pissed him off. He didn't say anything, just kept walking.

Sighing again, I finally took in his appearance.

His usual neat curly brown hair was all over the place like it was blown away by the wind and his forehead was covered with little beads of sweat.

"Umm..." I mumbled, still staring at his forehead as he gave me another look before stepping into the elevator. "I can walk." I frowned, he pulled me closer to his chest. "Are you that mad at me?" I questioned, my eyes meeting his as he sighed.

"I'm not mad at you."

"Than why do you seem suddenly pissed off?" I asked on as he looked at me like I was stupid.

"Because, you believed everything that came out of Olivia's mouth. If you're so curious about it than why don't you just ask me? What's the worst thing I could do?!"

"Lie." I answered, looking away from him.

"Do you actually think that all men lie? That all men cheat? I'm not like your exes. I actually like you but you're too hurt to realize that. And to top that off, you're as stubborn as my mom." He sighed, putting me down as I turned to him.

"I-I don't believe a thing you say." I stuttered as he sighed again.

"Scarlett, think about it. When you ran away a few months back, I drove all the way out there to your secret little cottage and brought you back. I wouldn't and couldn't stand the crap coming out of Olivia's mouth because none of that crap is true. I'm most likely going to get fired for what I said to her, but I did that for you. You've changed me. What else must I do to prove that to you?" He asked, his voice soft.

"You could get fired?" I asked, now worried.

"Yes. Olivia's dad is my boss." He whispered.

"Don't you care that you're going to lose your job that you've probably worked so hard to get?"


"What do you mean 'nope'?!" I shouted as he started laughing.

"You don't get it, do you? I don't care if I lose my job as long as you and the baby are okay. You two are my main priorities. This job is just something for me to occupy myself with. I can just create my own business." He shrugged as the elevator doors opened up. He gently grasped my hand and led me out as we walked towards his office.

"But-" I stopped as I noticed her standing there, in front of Jackson's office door.

She gently pushed a few of her long brown locks away from her face before turning to us. With a smile on her face, she hurried towards us.

The only thing that went through my mind was,

Who are you?

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