Chapter 16

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Chapter 16




Scarlett's POV

"I guess she could stay with you, mom. Only for now until I get things ready." Jackson nodded as his mother squealed in joy before hugging me again as I stood still, rethinking Jackson's previous statement.

"Wait. What do you mean, 'For now until I get things ready'?" I questioned while switching my gaze over towards him as he sighed quietly to himself before his mahogany brown eyes met mines.

"I was planning to ask you to move in with me soon, but because of that incident, all the plans got shoved forward. So, I am still preparing the apartment." He confessed, staring up at me as I stayed glued to my spot looking surprised.

"My little guy has grown up so much!!" His mother squealed from beside me as I pursed my lips together to stop myself from smiling. It was coming, and I knew it.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but could we borrow Scarlett?" Ruby asked as Jojo was already leading me towards the door.

"Sure." Jackson nodded, disappearing behind the door of his room.

They led me all the way down to the cafeteria, sitting me down in a chair before taking the seats in front of me.

"So...." I mumbled, pausing as I looked at them.

"When was the last time you got a check up?" Jojo asked, watching me carefully.


"As I thought, let's go find my baby and get your checkup done." Ruby smiled, helping me up as I followed behind her and Jojo.

On our way there, I spotted a girl. She stood behind a wall, snapping pictures of somebody. Following her direction, I noticed Richard quickly writing something down.

Without my sisters noticing, I slipped over to her, scaring her in the process.

"Great Jesus!" She quietly shrieked, holding her chest and staring at me before adjusting her glasses. "Who are you?" She asked, looking me up and down as I smiled. She was a beautiful young lady with natural ocean blue eyes that hid behind a set of thick dark framed glasses as she quietly swept a few wisps of her short brown hair behind her ear.

"I'm Scarlett, and I was curious about something," I whispered, smiling and rocking on my heels as she carefully took in my feature while raising one of her eyebrows.

"What is it?" She questioned with confusion clear on her face.

"What would you do if I let you have all of my anime collection?" I wondered while trying to make a real bargain with a teenager. It's not like I was going to have enough time to watch them once the baby was born. So, why not?

"What all do you have?" She asked, eyeing me wearily. It looked like I had sparked some interest in her favorite hobby. Just a little bit more and I'd be able to close this bargain.

"I have figurines, DVD series, movies, everything." I shrugged as she gasped and nodded quickly, the excitement was evident on her face. I was like that once.

"What do I have to do???" She asked, bouncing in excitement as her voice pulled me from my thoughts as I looked back at her and smiled.

"Stop doing this work for your sister," I stated as she didn't bat an eyelash at my statement while bobbing her head up and down in agreement.

"Okay! Wait, how do you know about my sister?" She asked, now looking at me suspiciously as I sighed. It was now or never. I mean, never actually sounded pretty nice right about now but I'm sure a few people would frown down upon my decision later on in life.

"Because I'm your brother's girlfriend, I guess," I stated while shrugging. I obviously didn't know where Jackson and I stood, but somewhere deep down in my heart I was hoping that we passed that friends stage. Or was I moving too fast for my good?

"Which one?" She asked on, still continuing to eye me as I smiled. Jackson would probably throw a little tantrum if I told his younger sister a lie about who I was currently seeing. I had the urge to lie, but it would probably come back later and bite me in the rear end.

"Jackson," I stated the truth as silence fell around us before the little teenager started laughing.

"No. Jackson's too stubborn to find somebody as beautiful as you. I wouldn't even imagine that he'd have a girlfriend. Yes, a fuck toy but not a girlfriend." She stated while smiling up at me as it was now my turn to laugh. I think I was going to like this little girl. She was fascinating. She even reminded me of my older sister for a second.

"Well, I am carrying his child, so it's only natural." I smiled, watching as the shock flashed across her face. I don't think she knew. It was pretty obvious that she didn't know.

"W-What?? You are pregnant??" She asked, looking me up and down again as I nodded, proud that I actually might become a mother this time.

"Yep, about three months almost four," I stated, too proud to back down from this revelation. After all those years of trying, I was going to be a mother. It was about fucking time!

"Oh goodness." She whispered, staring at me in awe. "I'm going to be an aunt again." She smiled, quickly hugging me. "I think I can trust you."




Hello, dear readers.

I feel as if it has been awhile since I have uploaded a chapter and I apologize. I have been working with my Choir to raise money for my trip, so this is the first time this week that I've had some freedom to sit down and write.

And, for that, I apologize. I'm slowly slipping in between my schedule to write or at least finish this up. It's either sleeping and not write or not sleep and write a ton of things. #mystruggles

Anywho, have a good day! :)


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