Chapter 6.5

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Chapter 6.5



Jojo's POV

Switching my angry gaze from that little twat, I looked at Ruby and her new boyfriend before smiling and stepping back as I picked up the picture of our sister.

"It's no use, Ruby. Let's just go." I stated as my sister gave me a bewildered look because she knew that I wasn't the type of person to back down easily without putting up a rough fight that usually left somebody bleeding and disorganized. All I can say is, it wasn't me. "We have better things to do." I smiled as she stared at me for a second until the recognition flashed across her face before she smiled too. "Until next time, asshole." I stated with a wave as we quietly left his office before getting into the elevator as Ruby turned to me.

"What do you have planned?" She questioned as I just smiled and patted her shoulder. "Please tell me that it doesn't involve you...I mean us going to jail?" She added as I continued to give her one of my smiles.

"Don't worry about it." I stated as the elevator finally stopped before opening up to the lobby as we casually walked out before entering the large parking lot. As we approached Richard's car, I grabbed my large book bag out of the backseat before turning to him. "Which one is his?" I questioned as Richard turned towards me before looking around quietly. As his eyes stopped their search, he pointed towards a red Ferrari as I gave him a thanks while strolling over to it with a low whistle. "What a beauty." I whispered while setting my large book bag down as Ruby stepped up beside me.

"What do you plan on doing?" She questioned as I quietly bent down to unzip the bag before pulling out an aluminum bat from my hay years. It was a little weathered around the handle and the base but it was in good condition. "Jovonni." Ruby whispered while covering her mouth with her hand as I pulled out the extra bat that was wooden instead of aluminum.

"Here. This is the only way that we can get our message through to an asshole like him, Ruby." I stated while flexing out the bat as she nodded in agreement before frowning.

"But, what if we get caught?" She questioned as I laughed at her before shaking my head.

"You worry too much. I already got that taken care of plus this relieves stress and I'm sure he can just shit out another one of these." I stated while sticking my thumb out towards the car as she nodded again before walking around to the passenger's side. With a deep breath, she took a swing at the window as a crack quietly echoed through the noisy city air.

"That...felt good." She stated with a smile as I pulled back and swung at the driver's window. "This reminds me of that song." She added while swinging the bat again before humming. "I bust the windows out yo car." She started as I groaned. Not that song. Sighing, I glaced over at Ruby as I noticed that she was having the time of her life breaking the passenger's window before it caved in. Laughing at her silliness, I climbed onto the hood of the car before bashing the windshield wiper as it began to crack beneath the force.

"Ruby? Wanna give it a swing?" I questioned as her gaze quickly switched over to me before a smile slipped on her face as she quickly took off her heels while climbing onto the hood. As she took her anger or stress out on the windshield, I quietly put the bat back in my bag before pulling out two cans of lighter fluid. "Here, Ruby." I quickly tossed the can towards her as she barely caught it before looking down at me. "Its the only way to get this through his thick ass head." I stated as she nodded before tossing the bat down while uncapping the can as she quietly poured some onto his hood. While she was doing that, I preoccupied myself with spraying down his interior in lighter fluid. Once we were finished, we gathered our things as I stuffed a gas soaked washcloth into the tail pipe while looking over at Ruby who took off running as I lit it before following my sister as the smell of smoke reached my nose. Quickly pushing Ruby down behind Richard's car, we avoided the explosion as it cried out loudly. "Let's get out of here." I stated while crawling around to the driver's side as I saw Richard, knelt down looking. "You saw nothing." I stated while narrowing my eyes at him as he shrugged.

"Its revenge. I knew somebody was going to do it sooner or later." He stated while climbing into the driver's seat as I climbed into the backseat and laid down as voices began to echo throughout the parking lot.

Slowly pulling out of the parking lot, Richard drove away from the corporate building as I smiled.

"Good job, people." I stated while closing my eyes. I felt like blowing up stuff again. Time to visit the crew.


Jackson's POV

The once quietness of my floor was now replaced with loud noises from the employees and the elevator as it continuously let off more people. Sighing, I quickly went back to writing the report for Olivia's father as the intercom beeped loudly.

"Yes?" I questioned while pushing the button as more than one person talked into the intercom before my secretary, Beth, yelled for them to be quiet.

"Sir, there was an explosion in the parking lot near your car." She rushed out as I quickly ran out of my office before catching the next elevator down. As it stopped on the main floor, I rushed outside and past the large crowd gathering on the sidewalk. Pushing past a few bystanders, I quickly hurried towards the firefighters who were extinguishing the last remaining flames as I saw the reserved parking spot with my name on it.

"Jackson Sampson?" One of the firefighters questioned as I turned my attention towards him. "I believe that this belongs to you." He stated with a slight smile while handing me my clean license plate. "It was the only thing that survived the fire and I'd advise you to watch who you anger because my boss wasn't pleased by your statement from earlier ." He whispered while laughing as I stared at him.

"Your boss? Who the hell are you talking about?!" I questioned as he turned to the other firefighters and nodded before they stopped spraying down the vehicle while one pulled out a cell phone and dialed somebody. As the guy nodded, he passed me the phone as a familiar voice spoke on the other side.

"Tell the cops if you want but, I think I know more people than you do." The girl from earlier laughed as I gritted my teeth. It was indeed the one with the piercings and tattoos.

"You little bitch! That car cost me a fortune!" I shouted as she continued laughing.

"I'm sure you can shit another one out and now that you see what's left of your remaining car, you'll understand that you just made an enemy, Sampson. Watch your ass." She laughed before hanging up as I stared at the phone in disbelief while the firefighter took his phone and left with the others.

"Why do you hate me?!!!" I shouted towards the sky as the dark clouds continued to block out the sun. "What the hell did I get myself into?" I asked myself while looking down at the burnt pile of my car.

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