Chapter 3

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Chapter 3





Soft murmurs surrounded me as I tried to make out what they were saying before a gasp of surprise made my heart jump.

"Seems like she's coming to." A male's deep voice whispered as my eyes slowly fluttered open to the bright lights and the strong stench of death. As soon as my eyesight cleared up, I noticed Ruby on one side of the bed and Jojo on the other while a doctor was leaning over the bottom end of the bed watching me.

"Where am I?" I asked while trying to lift my hand as I noticed it throbbed in pain beneath its bandage. "Oww!" I suddenly yelped as Ruby and the doctor traded places while he quietly watched me.

"Take it easy little lady. You fractured your wrist when you fell but the baby is okay. It seems that you passed out from dehydration." He stated as I noticed that he didn't have gray hair or a receding hair line like most of the doctors here. He seemed in his early thirties with head full of jet black hair and eyes as blue as the sky.


"W-What?! Could you repeat that?" I asked as I heard the 'b' word. He must have said something else that slipped my mind. I'm probably just imag-

"The baby's okay. You passed out from dehydration." He repeated as everything around me started spinning. I was going to faint again. This couldn't be happening.

"Scarlett?" Was the last thing I heard before everything went black again.


"Come on, Jovvi! Just move the piece already." The sound of Ruby's voice rung out as I slowly opened my eyes. Again. Aware that I was still in the hospital room, hooked up to machines.

"But. This is boring!" Jojo exclaimed while leaning back in the chair near the window that was on the right side of the hospital bed.

"It's chess." Ruby bluntly answered as I smiled over at them, Jojo noticing. She did always hate playing boring things with us. She always threw the 'you only live once' phrase at us before she went and entertained herself with something more...extreme.

"Morning, Monroe." She smiled while staring at me as Ruby turned and waved while I just continued to smile at them.

"How are you feeling?" Ruby added as they both hurried to my side while helping me sit up.

"You two won't believe it! I had this weird dream that we were in a hospital where this extremely handsome doctor told me that I was pregnant! What a dream!!" I exclaimed while trying to throw my hands in the air when the same throbbing pain came from my hand.

"Oh Scarlett..." Jojo whispered while shaking her head as I dreaded the next thing that they might say.

"That wasn't a dream, it happened yesterday." Ruby gently pushed a few strands of my messy yet sweaty hair behind my ear.

"Oh my goodness." I groaned while rubbing my hands roughly down my face before pulling away as the pain seared up my arm.

"Do you remember what the guy looked like?" Jojo asked as I shook my head. Of all the things that I could remember about that night, the only thing that I couldn't remember was his appearance.

"The room was too dark but I do remember his voice." I whispered as memories of that night flooded my mind again.

"Well that won't help us." Ruby frowned while placing her hands on her hips.

"Wait. I did find a business card." I mumbled as Jojo handed me my purse which I quickly rummaged through until I found what I needed and pulled out the card.

I handed it over to Jojo as her and Ruby looked at it before smirking.

"Ooh!! She got her a good one!" Jojo laughed as Ruby joined in.

"What do you mean? Who is that?" I asked while pointing to the card as they both looked at each other.

"This guy-" Ruby pointed to the name, "-is a freaking billionaire. You've gone and fucked a billionaire." She laughed softly as I took the card and looked at it.

"I-I. H-How am I gonna find this guy? I don't know what he looks like nonetheless am I going to tell him." I whispered, now firmly gripping the sheets with my good hand.

"Think about it. Whenever your baby grows up, it's going to ask you who its father is. You can't just say you got drunk and jumped a billionaire's britches." Ruby explained as I was starting to become scared. Anything could happen. What if he tries to take my baby after its born? Or much worse, what if he doesn't want him or her?

"Just tell him. Go to his office uptown, walk in, and say, 'You got me pregnant.' That's easy." Jojo nodded as I sighed and released the sheets before running my hand through my hair.

"Okay. Okay. I can do it." I whispered while laying back down and closing my eyes. They didn't know how hard it was to say something to somebody of such high class. I had a feeling that this wouldn't end well.

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