Chapter 6: Visit to Davenhall

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"Where are you going?"

Jessica looked up from getting ready to mount her horse. Jacob was walking down the front steps of the manor, coming towards her. Dressed in black riding boots, dark breeches and coat, he looked better than she would have expected so early in the morning. As far as she was aware, he rarely rose before noon, and it was not yet ten.

"I am riding over to Davenhall to visit Nathaniel and Angel. Olivia is going shopping in Bridlewood with one of the local girls."

"I will come with you," he said, and without waiting for her reply he turned to the stable boy holding the reins of her mount. "Please bring my horse."

"Yes, my lord." The boy nodded, handed the reins to Jacob and sped off towards the stables. She stared after him for a moment, slightly annoyed by his disappearance. With a sigh, she looked at her horse and then at Jacob, who was smiling charmingly.

"Need help to mount?" he asked innocently.

She did, but blast it, the stable boy should have helped her. Having Jacob's hands on her, even for something as innocent as helping her mount her horse, simply wasn't an option. Looking around desperately, she caught sight of a boulder at the edge of the lawn that was just the right size. Taking the reins from him, she smiled sweetly. "No, thank you. I can manage on my own."

Leading her horse over to the boulder, she ignored the laugh following her across the courtyard. Climbing up on the stone, she mounted the horse on her own and threw Jacob a triumphant look. He simply smiled sardonically and sketched a bow, making her laugh. It was no wonder women fell at his feet. He could be so charming when he wanted to.

A few moments later the stable boy returned with another horse and Jacob quickly mounted it and trotted over to her. He gave her a look brimming with suppressed mirth. "I must admit," he said. "I've never seen a more graceful mounting."

"I've always been a good rider." She smiled mischievously.

He coughed, looking as if he'd swallowed a fly. "I can tell," he choked out, then chuckled. "Shall we get going then?"

She nodded and nudged her horse into movement. Even though it was still quite early in the day, the sun shone brightly, and she turned her face up towards it, letting it bathe her face in warmth. There was nothing she liked better than going for a walk or a ride in the country. London could never beat that.

"I thought ladies weren't meant to get a tan?" Jacob teased her.

Turning her head to look at him, she smiled. "We're not, but I simply cannot resist the sunshine."

"Makes me wonder what other body parts you ever expose to the sun."

She laughed even while blushing. "I suspect you will never know."

"Ah, now that's not fair," he complained. "Now I won't be able to stop thinking about it."

It was a relief to find that he was in better spirits than the previous day, and she usually enjoyed their light bantering. Even if he easily embarrassed her and said the most inappropriate things, they often had fun together. Not that she ever fully relaxed in his presence—how could she? But at least she could usually talk to him normally, even enjoy his company. Even if sometimes she wished she didn't enjoy it quite as much. Other times she didn't enjoy it at all. He could be infuriating when he decided to be, and yesterday his mood had been very sombre. Today he seemed to be the charming self he usually displayed to the world.

She gave him a teasing smile. "Why, are you going to tell me which body parts you expose to the sun?"

"Certainly," he readily agreed. "I usually swim nude whenever I'm at Holcombe."

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