Chapter 27: Arriving in London

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Jacob's townhouse was one of the larger ones in St. James' Square. Jessica couldn't remember ever visiting him in his home, he'd always come to them, so it felt odd when she crossed the threshold to what would most likely be her home for the rest of her life.

They were met in the entrance hall by what appeared to be the entire staff, with the butler and housekeeper at the head. Everyone stood in a neat line, curious to meet their new mistress. Jacob introduced her to Mr Dawson, the butler, and Mrs Davies, the housekeeper, but suggested that she would meet them to discuss the household in more detail the following day after she'd had time to settle in. That seemed like a good plan because she was tired from travelling. There were some brief introductions of the rest of the staff, and an upstairs maid named Nancy was to be her own personal maid since there we no other ladies resident.

Once they finished, the housekeeper brought her upstairs and showed her to her new room. It was lovely with cream-coloured walls and furniture of dark wood. A door led to a sitting room, which the housekeeper explained connected to Jacob's chambers on the other side. It wasn't uncommon for married couples to have separate bedrooms, and she knew she was better off having her own. It was a good thing that Jacob took her request seriously and made sure they had separate rooms. So then why did she feel so lonely?

"Would you like to rest, my lady?" the housekeeper asked. "It's a long journey to London."

"Thank you," she said. "I'm rather fatigued from the trip and I think I will lie down for a moment. Thank you very much for showing me upstairs, Mrs Davies."

"Oh, it was my pleasure, my lady. Please let me know if there is anything you require." The housekeeper bowed her head and left the room, leaving her alone in her new home.

Walking over to the windows, she looked out over the garden in the back. It was nothing like the expansive gardens of their countryside homes, but it was a decent size with potted plants, some flower beds and bushes, all meticulously cut and tended to. While they had laid stones out closest to the house, the rest of the garden had grass, which was something to be grateful for. Turning away from the windows, she walked over to sit down on the bed. She supposed things could have been worse. It was a charming house from what she'd seen so far, and the butler and housekeeper would show her the rest tomorrow.

Lying down, she closed her eyes to get a few minutes' rest before she'd seek out her husband. She wanted to ask him what he expected of her in terms of house management. Having been a bachelor for so long, he must either be doing some of it himself or he'd given it all over to the butler and housekeeper. She wanted to find out if he wanted her to take it over. Tired from the trip, she drifted off.

She woke up with a start to find Jacob standing by the grate, stoking a fire. He turned around when he heard her sit up and gave her a lopsided smile.

"Ah, there she is."

Glancing outside, she saw that darkness had settled. She must have slept for hours. Running a hand through her hair, she realised it had nearly come undone from lying on it. She must look a fright. A blanket covered her, and she pushed it to the side.

"What are you doing here?"

"When we didn't see you, I got worried," he admitted. "I came to check on you, but you were fast asleep so I left again. They say to let a sleeping woman lie."

"I'm pretty sure that's dogs."

He grinned. "I suppose you're right. It doesn't hurt to be careful though. In any case, dinner is ready to be served, and I thought you might be hungry."

If the answering rumble in her tummy at the mention of food was anything to go by, she was, so she nodded. Coming over to offer his arm, Jacob helped her out of bed.

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