Chapter 30: White Flag

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Jessica stood in front of the looking glass in her bedchamber, trying to gain the courage to follow through with her new plan. Judging from what Jacob had said earlier in the evening, they were both miserable with the way things were. Something had to give. He claimed he wasn't seeing other women and had seen no one else since their first kiss. For Jacob, that was... Incredible. To the point where she wasn't sure what to make of his admission. But why would he lie? Especially considering that he rarely lied, usually finding it more entertaining to be brutally honest.

The last few weeks had been lonely, and she wasn't sure it was worth it. There wasn't much more she could lose at this point. She'd already lost her heart, and as long as he never found out, she could live with that. It wasn't something she could change. What could change were the rules of their marriage. If he wasn't seeing anyone else, and only stayed away because of the conditions she had imposed, well, that was something she could adjust. It might make them both a little happier, and she missed him.

Taking a deep breath, she gave herself a quick look-over. Dressed in a simple, white nightgown, with her long hair in a braid over her shoulder, she wasn't the most seductive sight, but it would have to do. He would have to take it or leave it. Leaving her room, she walked across their shared sitting room to knock on his door. She held her breath, waiting for him to open. When he never did, she exhaled and carefully pushed the door open.

The room was empty. She hadn't considered the possibility that he might not be there. Walking inside, she looked around. It was the first time she'd entered his bedchamber, as they always said good night in the sitting room. The room was decorated in dark, muted colours and the furniture looked relatively new, not the old heirlooms she would have expected. A large, four-poster bed dominated the space, and she wondered if he might invite her to share it with him occasionally if tonight went well.

Not wanting to lose what little courage she had, she left and walked down the hallway. There was only one other place in the house he might be, and she was determined to see him. This marriage of convenience was ending tonight. She didn't want to wait until the next day, because by then she might have lost her nerve.

Jacob looked up when she entered the library a few moments later and closed the door behind her. The room served as his study as well, and he sat behind a large mahogany desk with a brandy snifter in his hand. He'd thrown off his waistcoat and cravat and had unbuttoned the top buttons of the shirt, revealing a piece of muscular chest. For a moment he seemed surprised by her presence, but quickly hid it behind a blank face, looking as if there was nothing odd about his wife entering the library in the middle of the night wearing only her nightgown. Giving her a lazy look over he nodded in greeting, but said nothing.

Feeling more confident than she probably was if she took a moment to think about it, she walked across the length of the room. As she came closer, he looked only mildly interested in her presence, but the way his eyes followed her every move belied his indifference. He was, in fact, rather intrigued. He wouldn't be Jacob if he wasn't. Neither of them spoke as she reached the desk, moved around it, and turned his chair to face her.

Swallowing a knot of nerves, she kneeled before him and put her hands on his legs, right above the knees. He kept watching her silently. Since he hadn't thrown her out yet, she figured he wouldn't, and that gave her some courage.

Slowly, she ran her hands up along his powerful thighs, and when she felt him stiffen, she smiled inwardly. As she reached his crotch, there was no doubt that he wasn't nearly as unaffected by her presence as his impassive facial expression implied. He shifted a little underneath her touch, and she looked up to meet his eyes. They were an intense blue as he stared down at her, waiting for her next move. He put his glass aside and placed his hands on the chair's armrests before giving her a patient look. Daring her.

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