Chapter 3: You Always Win

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Jacob leaned casually against the trunk of a tall tree as he lit his cheroot and inhaled deeply. His father—who had been smoking for as long as he could remember—had suddenly decided he hated the smell and would allow no one to smoke inside the manor house. As long as the weather was pleasant, he didn't much mind having to go outside, and he certainly would not stop smoking simply because his father cast him irritated looks every time he went to do so. In fact, it probably had the opposite effect.

Looking out over the garden, he caught sight of Jessica having a picnic on the lawn with his cousin Olivia, who had arrived a few hours earlier. His young, dark-haired cousin had naturally taken to Jessica immediately. All the Howertys seemed to have that effect on people. Everyone just seemed to instantly like them. He supposed he couldn't very well blame people for liking them, since he quite liked them himself. Jessica's older brother Nathaniel, the Marquess of Pensington, was in fact one of his very best friends.

Throwing down his cheroot and crushing it with the heel of his boot, not bothering to pick it up—he rather hoped his father would find it—he walked towards the two women. They sat on a large blanket spread out on the grass and had a rather large basket filled with food next to them. Jessica caught sight of him as he approached, and he could see her spine stiffen. It had always amused him that he had this effect on her. She was constantly wary and nervous around him, and he loved to take advantage. It wasn't entirely uncommon. Most people were rather wary around him. But he enjoyed it more with Jessica. He supposed it was because she was his friend's sister.

"Good afternoon, ladies," he said with a charming smile as he reached the edge of the blanket and sketched a bow.

"Jacob!" Olivia said happily. "When mother and father sent me here, they didn't mention that you would be in residence. I'm so glad that you are! Why don't you join us? We're playing Vingt-et-un." She waved her cards as if to prove she was telling the truth.

"I would love to," he agreed before turning to Jessica. "If Lady Jessica will allow, of course?"

"Would I be able to stop you?" she asked dryly.

He chuckled. "No, I don't believe so. But I would love to see you try."

Sighing, she motioned towards an empty spot on the blanket. "Please, sit."

As he sat down, it didn't escape his notice that Jessica moved a little further away to ensure that they wouldn't be touching. She'd always done that. So concerned for propriety. It made him want to laugh since he was probably the least proper person of her acquaintance. It was no wonder she tried to stay as far away from him as possible. She looked at him then, and she must have seen the mirth reflected on his face because she scowled at him.

"Are you good at Vingt-et-un?" Olivia asked, forcing him to turn his attention back to her.

"I'm no better or worse than the next man," he said. "But let's give it a go."

Olivia smiled brightly and started shuffling the cards. He had to admit that he had been a little surprised to see his cousin so grown up. It had been several years since he'd last seen her and suddenly seeing a rather pleasant looking sixteen-year-old had given him a bit of a jolt. It was amazing how quickly they grew up these days. Olivia had an older brother, Jeremy, who had been the same age as Jacob and they'd been good friends, roaming the ballrooms of London together. Sadly, Jeremy had passed away a few years ago after moving to America, and Jacob had rarely seen Olivia since.

"Why are you not in London?" she asked as she dealt the cards. "I would have thought you'd be there for the Season. I'd have loved to be there for the Season."

"In two more years, you will have your debut." He smiled. "You will be a success, I'm sure."

Jessica was looking at him quizzically, obviously aware that he had not answered Olivia's original question. He didn't very much care; he wasn't about to admit his actual reasons for visiting Holcombe. Not yet.

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