Chapter 12: A Ride With Ravenscroft

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When Lord Ravenscroft showed up the next morning, Jessica was happy to go riding with him. Morning rides were something she liked to indulge in whenever she had the opportunity, and she didn't mind company. Especially as pleasant and handsome company as the young viscount currently helping her mount her horse.

"The weather is perfect for a morning ride", Olivia exclaimed from her horse a few paces away. She had wanted to join them, and Jessica saw no harm in it. It would do the girl some good to spend time with adults instead of her tittering friends.

While Jessica arranged her long riding skirts over her legs, the viscount mounted his own horse and they soon left the courtyard. The sun shone warmly, heating the air quickly and drying the morning dew from the grass and leaves. Raising her face towards the sun, she basked in its warmth while Lord Ravenscroft chatted amiably with Olivia.

As they rode across green fields, she was reminded of how enjoyable and interesting Lord Ravenscroft was to speak to. He was just as nice as she'd first judged him to be at the country ball. It was more interest than she had ever mustered for any man in London, so she considered it a victory of sorts.

"I cannot wait to go to the summer festival in a few days." Olivia smiled excitedly. "I've not been in Bridlewood for the event since I was a little girl."

Lord Ravenscroft turned his face to Jessica, and she smiled at him as he gave her an inquiring look. "I don't believe I've heard of this summer festival. My uncle must have neglected to tell me. What is it about?"

"Oh, no one really knows," she said with a laugh. "It wouldn't surprise me if it's some old pagan festival that lives on, but it's really nothing more than everyone coming together to mingle in Bridlewood, commoners and gentry alike. They light bonfires in the evenings and you'll find stands with goods to buy, food to eat... It's really quite lovely."

"And games!" Olivia chirped in. "I used to love the games. I was the best one out of all the children in the sack race. We are going, are we not Jessica?"

"We are. I'm usually in London when the summer festival takes place, but I'm happy to be home this year."

Olivia smiled brightly and clapped her hands. "I cannot wait!" She turned her head to look forward and then started scowling a little. "Jessica? Is that Jacob up ahead?"

With a feeling of foreboding, she turned her head to look in the direction the girl pointed. Was there no escaping him? Far be it for Jacob to let her enjoy a pleasant ride with a handsome man. Lord Ravenscroft seemed to have caught sight of him too and didn't look all too pleased. A reasonable reaction, considering Jacob's rudeness during the country ball.

Waving a hand, Olivia shouted for Jacob, who turned his horse in their direction and cantered over. He was as dashing as always, looking very improper with his windblown dark hair and loosely tied cravat next to Lord Ravenscroft, who was properly attired and wearing a hat. As any gentleman should. And yet her eyes strayed to Jacob, and she had to admit the look really suited him. On any other man, it would look sloppy, but on him, it seemed perfectly appropriate.

"My ladies. Lord Ravenscroft," Jacob said pleasantly, nodding towards the younger man. "Fancy meeting you all out here."

"Lord Wortham," the viscount replied a little stiffly, clearly not happy to have the earl join them, but fully aware he could not object.

"Don't be silly," Olivia said with a smile. "You knew we were going for a ride this morning."

"Did I now?" he asked, but there was no mistaking the mischievous glint in his blue eyes. "I must have forgotten. However, please allow me to accompany you on your ride."

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