Chapter 18: Just One Kiss (pt 2)

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Jacob was kissing her. Not entirely sure if she was dreaming, Jessica lost herself in the feeling of his mouth on hers. It started slow with a mere brush of his lips, but when he returned a moment later it was more insistent and when he nibbled on her lower lip she moaned, allowing him to deepen the kiss. The slight taste of brandy was intoxicating, and she wanted more of him, but he took his time, bestowing her with slow, drugging kisses that made heat travel through every nerve of her body.

When she slid her arms around him and pressed against him, needing him closer, he let out a groan. His hands moved to bury in the long hair at the back of her head as he kissed her, alternating between deep kisses and soft teasing. Sliding his hands down along her back, she gasped when he cupped her bottom and hoisted her up against him, wrapping her legs around his hips.

Pinning her against the wall, he leaned down to nibble a sensitive spot on her neck, and a rush of hot pleasure coursed through her, gathering at the junction of her thighs where their bodies met. Slipping her arms around his shoulders, she laced her fingers through the soft hair at the back of his neck. When his hardness rubbed against her, a moan broke free of her lips as the pleasure intensified.

"God, you feel amazing." The hoarse words mumbled against her skin as he trailed fervent kisses down her throat were nearly as exciting as his touch, and she almost complained when he pulled back slightly to look at her.

Her lips tingled, and she wanted him to continue kissing her. This was a terrible idea, but her body ached for him and she couldn't imagine not kissing him again.

"We should stop," he said. It sounded like a plea. "This will never end well."

She shook her head. Then nodded. Then shook it again. "I don't want to stop," she admitted. Definitely not while he was still pushing against her. Unintentionally, she shimmied a little and immediately gasped as a spear of pleasure shot through her.

He groaned, burying his face in the nook of her shoulder, his hot breath fanning her neck. "Neither do I," he admitted, his voice slightly muffled. "But we really must."

"Must we?" she asked quietly, holding her breath for his answer.

His head shot up and he stared at her with something in between shock and wonder. He touched her cheek with his palm, smiling gently. "You do not know how much I wish we didn't, but we really must. You may not think much of it right now when you're feeling this way, but you would come morning."

She wanted to argue but knew he was right. It was just difficult to focus when her body ached for his touch. The sensation of him against her was better than anything she'd ever experienced, and she was loath to relinquish the feeling.

Seeming to sense her rioting emotions, he gave her a hesitating look. "I could..." He fell silent for a moment before continuing. "I could still pleasure you. Without ruining you."

"Really?" She wasn't entirely sure what that would entail, but the fire inside her liked the idea. As long as he'd keep kissing and touching her, she was more than interested.

He nodded and rolled his hips against her as if to prove his point, making her bite her lower lip to keep from moaning. "Let me help you," he whispered, placing a hot kiss on her neck.

"But, what about you?" she asked uncertainly as she felt her objections melt away under his lips.

He chuckled against her skin. "I've had plenty of pleasure, abstaining once won't kill me."

When he nibbled on her earlobe, she knew she was lost and nodded. Coming back to her mouth, he kissed her deeply while carrying her over to the bed without releasing her. Laying her on the soft mattress, he covered her, his hands caressing a path down her sides to her thighs, then coming back up, taking the thin chemise with and pulling it over her head. The cool night air touched her skin, chasing gooseflesh over her naked chest.

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