Chapter 2: Ride With Me

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Jessica Howerty woke up with the distinct feeling that something was not quite right. She lay in bed for several minutes staring up at the canopy above before remembering that her own bed didn't actually have a canopy. Turning her head towards the tall windows, she smiled a little as she recalled that she was not at home at all, but at Holcombe Hall.

The Duke of Ashbrook had approached her a fortnight ago and asked her to spend the remainder of the summer at his home, and Jessica had gladly accepted. Naturally, the duke had an ulterior motive—he always did—but she was fine with that. Miss Olivia Newton, the duke's niece, was expected to arrive at Holcombe that afternoon and Jessica had agreed to be her chaperone and companion during her stay since the duke simply didn't know what to do with a sixteen-year-old girl.

Rolling out of bed, she called for the maid to help her get dressed. While waiting for her to arrive, she walked over to the window and looked outside. The weather was wonderful, so she decided to go for a ride after the morning meal. There was still plenty of time before her charge would arrive. A maid entered the room a moment later and soon had her fully dressed in a blue riding habit, so she could head downstairs.

Voices drifted out from the dining room as she approached, and she reflected that the duke must be awake already. Entering the room, she saw the duke sitting at the head of the table and she smiled and was just about to greet him when the man sitting next to him caught her sight, making her freeze mid-step.

"Jacob?" It came out rather like a squeak. She'd not meant to say his name, but it had passed her lips before she could stop herself.

"Lady Jessica," the duke said and stood to greet her. "A good morning to you. I trust you slept well?"

For a moment she felt rooted to the spot, staring at Jacob Hurst, standing next to his father. Thoughts wildly chased each other through her mind, and it was making her head hurt. What was he doing there? He hated coming to Holcombe. Everyone knew he avoided it like the plague. If she'd had any inkling he'd be in residence, she never would have accepted the duke's invitation.

Jacob was looking at her with a condescending smile, as if he knew that he'd taken her by surprise. That brought her back to her senses. She turned her head towards the duke and nodded with a smile. "I've slept excellently, thank you, Your Grace. It's a lovely room you've given me."

The duke motioned towards Jacob and said dryly, "It would appear that my son has deigned to visit me. He arrived late last night."

She turned towards him and curtsied. "Lord Wortham."

"Lady Jessica." He flashed her his usual charming smile, but there was a dark glint in his eyes she didn't recognise, and it made her wary. "A pleasure as always."

"Please come and eat with us," the duke said, motioning to the chair next to him, opposite his son.

"I was going for a ride," she hedged with a glance towards Jacob, who was regarding her with an unreadable expression on his face. Then she looked towards the doors. The exit looked very appealing right then.

"You will need nourishment before you ride," the duke said, and she couldn't decline without seeming rude, so she only nodded and sat down next to him.

A servant promptly set a plate of food before her as the duke and Jacob took their seats again. She concentrated on eating, hoping to avoid speaking, but naturally, she was not to be so lucky.

"How is your family?" Jacob asked conversationally, forcing her to look up from her eggs and meet his eyes.

"They are all well. Aunt Jane and my sisters are in Devon." She tried not to look at him for more than a few seconds. The man was much too handsome for her senses, and being around him had always made her feel awkward and tense. In his presence her body was on high-alert, fully aware of every movement he made, and it was embarrassing. Very disconcerting the whole experience, really. "My brother and his wife are in good health and so are the children."

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