Chapter 8: A Country Ball

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Jessica was spared Jacob for the next few days as he steered clear of her as much as possible. It suited her fine, as she didn't particularly want to see him either. They only had to be in the same room at dinnertime, and she tried her utmost to ignore him for the duration of the meal. Sometimes she could have sworn she felt his gaze on her, but whenever she'd glance over he was looking at something else. The one time he couldn't hide it was when he watched her interacting with his father. He paid full attention to their every word, as if expecting to see more proof of his delusional ideas.

Most days were spent with Olivia, and if the girl visited her friends in the village, she would go for long walks or rides. A walk or ride in solitude had always been something she enjoyed. With two younger sisters, getting out of the house had been a relief. Her evenings were mostly spent with the duke in the library where she would read to him or they'd discuss books or how Olivia was getting on. She wasn't fool enough to delude herself that she did it simply for the joy of reading. There was a vindictive part of her that took a savage satisfaction in the look on Jacob's face every time he saw her walking to the library with his father.

She'd not forgiven him for believing she was hoping to marry the duke, and his sullen countenance only fuelled the flames of her anger. Keeping her ire wasn't as easy once she lay in bed at night. Every time she closed her eyes, memories of their kiss returned and she ended up hot and frustrated, tossing and turning. As much as she resented Jacob for believing the worst of her, she might hate him more for that kiss. For letting her know exactly what kissing him felt like, as now it was all she could think about. It wasn't fair.

A week after their argument—and their kiss—she graciously agreed to accompany Olivia to a country ball. Spending an evening away from Holcombe and Jacob's sulking presence would do her good. And she would have a good time. She was determined to. Maybe there would be some suitable gentlemen in attendance. It was about time she found herself a match. It simply wouldn't do to waste her life dreaming of a rake like Jacob.

Running her hands along the smooth silk of her dark blue gown, she gave the looking glass another glance. It wasn't her best dress, but for a country ball, it was more than adequate. She picked up a pair of white gloves from her dresser and pulled them on before leaving the room to meet Olivia in the entrance hall. As she walked down the stairs, Olivia's giggle greeted her. It made her smile. She had such a contagious laugh that it was difficult not to join in.

The smile froze on her lips as she turned a corner and caught sight of Jacob standing next to Olivia, chatting amiably. Dressed in black trousers and a black coat with a white shirt and cravat, there was no mistaking that he was going out tonight. For the first time in days, he was smoothly shaven, and she almost missed the dark shadow on his jaw. Even a clean and proper Jacob was a threat to her senses, and she could feel her insides making an awkward backflip. He caught sight of her standing at the bottom of the stairs, and even though his expression didn't change, she could see his eyes harden.

Olivia must have noticed that his attention was no longer entirely hers because she turned around. "Jessica!" she exclaimed. "You look wonderful."

"So do you." She smiled at the girl. She looked pretty in a white dress with dark green elements that complemented her eyes.

"I shall be so lucky to have two beautiful women to escort tonight." Jacob showed off the charming smile she knew so well, but for once it didn't reach his eyes. He let his gaze travel along her form, taking everything in, from her intricately fashioned hair to the snug bodice of her dress and the way the fabric followed along her legs to her feet in a pair of satin slippers. His regard made her blush, but she'd be damned if she would comment on it.

"You are going with us?" she asked instead, hoping against reason that he wasn't.

"Yes," he said, his clear blue eyes meeting hers. "I decided it would be good for me to get out of the house."

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