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Holcombe Hall
2 May 1815

"Is he not the most magnificent being to ever exist?" Jacob crooned as he cradled his newborn son in his arms.

Jessica smiled from the bed. Her hair was matted from sweat and her face still hot from exertion, but right then she was the most beautiful she had ever been. Leaning down, he placed a kiss on her forehead, his heart brimming over with love for her and this brand new child they'd created. Well, she had.

"What shall we name him?" he asked, sitting down next to her on the bed so she could rest her head on his shoulder. They were finally alone, those who had been present for the birth had left the chamber a short while ago. "I assume it will be a Shakespeare name? We can't let your brother monopolise them all."

She laughed quietly, the sound reverberating through his arm where her mouth pressed against his shirt. He'd divested of his coat and waistcoat somewhere halfway through the birthing.

"Definitely Shakespeare," she agreed as she lifted her hand to stroke the baby's cheek.

"Is there a Jacob anywhere? Jacob Junior."

"I don't think so. What about Sebastian?"

Looking back down at the child in his arms, he nodded. "It's perfect. Just like he is."

He couldn't quite believe how happy he was these days. Life had definitely handed him more than he deserved, but he was greedy enough to grab it all and hold on tight. Jessica was his constant; his guiding star. His love.

A soft knock on the door forced him to tear his eyes off his son, and he nodded with a smile when his father's head poked in. These days he and Jessica split their time between Holcombe Hall and London, something he knew his wife appreciated as it allowed her to easily visit her family. He'd give her anything to make her happy. If that meant living in the same house as his father, then so be it.

The duke entered the room, followed by Mrs Grey and Jessica's sisters. Pensington had already seen the tiny miracle when he'd collected his wife after the birth. As Jessica's closest friend, she'd been there the entire time together with Jacob. He suspected she was now asleep as they had been up the entire night.

"Only a quick look," Mrs Grey promised as the group approached the bed. "I'm sure you all need some rest."

He probably did, and his wife certainly needed some, but right then he was too excited, too full of love, to even consider sleep.

"He's beautiful!" Nick chirped and had to be pulled back by Rain as she was about to bound up onto the bed to get a better look.

"He certainly is," Mrs Grey agreed, a soft smile playing on her lips.

Unable to stop himself, Jacob looked up at his father with a grin. "I finally have that heir you've always been harping on about."

The duke only gave him a wry look, their interactions much more cordial these days, and the older man had become used to his son's droll humour.

"Everyone," Jacob said, shifting the baby boy slightly to give them a better view, "I'd like to introduce you to Sebastian Hurst, Viscount Arden."

A suitable murmur of appreciation followed his announcement, but he wasn't really listening, too engrossed in watching his son make funny little faces as he stirred.

"I think that's enough for now," Mrs Grey said, placing a hand on the duke's arm. "Let's give them some privacy. There will be plenty of time to admire little Sebastian."

He watched as the group traipsed back out of the room again, Mrs Grey's hand still on his father's arm. Not one to pry—well, not in this case—he didn't know the true nature of her relationship with his father. They definitely cared for one another, but his father had explained that she didn't wish to remarry and leave the Howerty household until all the girls had married. Rain was about to depart for London in the next week for her Season, and Nick was due to go the following year, so it hopefully wouldn't be too long before they could take the next step in their relationship.

Wanting to talk to Jessica about the potential romance between the two, he turned his head only to discover that she'd fallen asleep against his shoulder, her mouth ajar. Smiling, he placed a kiss on the top of her head before turning back to his son.

"It's just us for now," he said. "Let's allow your mother some rest, she's had a rough night. You'll soon find that she is the most wonderful person in the world, and I'm sure she will be the best mother you could ever have. I may not be the best father, I'm not as perfect as she is, but I will do my best. That is my vow to you."

The baby scrunched his face up again but didn't cry.

"Yes, yes. I know I have a terrible reputation, but I promise that at least some rumours are exaggerated. Hopefully, by the time you're old enough to hear it, most will be forgotten anyway and all anyone will know is what a devoted husband I am and how ridiculously in love I am with my wife."

With a little yawn, Sebastian drifted off to sleep, leaving Jacob sitting alone with his new little family. And life couldn't have been more perfect.



Ps Read on for a sneak peek of the next book in the series ;)

Ps Read on for a sneak peek of the next book in the series ;)

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