Chapter 6

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    "AHHHH stop chasing me with a butter knife." I hear a voice scream.

I groan and use a pillow to try and cover my ears, but I manage to hear another scream anyways.

Who the hell is even screaming?

My question was answered when I saw a little head peeping through my door.

"Hi Hafiz." I say as I rub my eyes and he walks into the room, "Hey Auntie Zara."

I get off my bed and go over to him and give a big hug.

"How are you?"

"I'm good he says." As he puts a hand in his pocket, "The other two are chasing each other."

I roll my eyes and laugh, why isn't anyone even stopping them?

I guess I'm going to be the one who has to.

I go up to my vanity and take out a scrunchie from one of the drawers. My hair is going to get ponyfied.

Yes ponyfied, it's a word that I made up because I'm cool like that.

After making a pony tail, me and my nephew make our way to the other two kiddos.

Hadiya sees me and shrieks and runs up to me and gives a big hug.


I smiled and gave a hug back, "Hi Hadiya."

Huda was giving a devilish smirk and I raised a brow, "Are you going to great me or what?"

She giggles and comes up to me and gives a hug.

I'm going to assume that she was little miss chase your sibling with a butter knife.

"Who had the butter knife?" I hear a deep voice.

Adam is hereeee.

"Hi Adam."

He looks at me and raises a brow, "Girl get your bum a** out of bed."

I roll my eyes, "What happened to "hello" or "how are you doing today?"

He rolls his eyes and sighs, "Okay fine Hi Zara how are you?"

Hehe I always get my way.

"I'm doing amazing, is Zacky here?" He nods and a minute later he pops in.


He has his hands in his pockets and has this stupid smile on his face.

"Hi Tacky."

He rolls his eyes and Huda giggles, "I like how you call him that."

"She's a weirdo." Adam says and Zack nods.

"Hey be nice to my girl." I hear a voice say.

Omg Layla.

I rush up to her and give her a hug, "Hi bestie."

She is seriously the coolest and hot. She literally looks like how she did as a teen.


I hope I age like her in the future inshallah.

Might I add she popped out three kids.

She really got it.

No wonder why Adam fell for her who wouldn't?

Honestly their whole gang in general looks amazing for their age. They all look so young they barely aged.

They also act the same as they did back in the day except a little more mature, since they are adults and have kids now.

"How are you Zara?" She asks as I pull away from the hug.

"Adam learn from your wife." I say and he rolls his eyes, "I'm doing amazing now that you are here."

She smiles and Huda goes up to her and clings onto her side.

I seriously love my family.

Hi guys I'm back! Sorry I know this is a super short chapter and I'm definitely going to make up for it. I've been going through a lot and school is definitely kicking my butt but it's okay. Anyways ily guys I'm gonna finish this story. Hehe till next time.

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