Chapter 27

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"I don't know like it's just the way he looks at you."


How does he even look at me like?

"Oh please it definitely is a look of disgust."

He shrugs and I continue, "You know a lot of people think about this with the dudes on the team. But honestly it's nothing like that, or at least definitely on my end. I see these guys as coworkers or brothers."

Why am I even explaining myself to him?

"Now I'm curious what do you like in a guy?"

Man why am I being interviewed?

"Not you."

He rolls his eyes, "Be serious for just a second."

I look at him and then look at out the window, "I'll be honest I'm just so focused on school and football."


Does he think he's that one guy from the 'how to lose a guy in 10 days?' movie?

"All the guys in my family treat their wives like absolute queens. Like my baba, my brother, my brother in law so honestly I expect the same treatment."

He lets out of whistle, "So you expensive?"

I unleash my inner Chuck Bass and say, "Well I'm Zara Khan."


The flurries transition into heavier snow fall and I admire the snow flakes racing each other to hit the bottom.

I then look over at him, "Well how about you?"

He meets the eye contact that I'm giving him and is quiet for a few seconds.

Almost as if he's unsure of what to say.

"I like Jessica Alba looking hijabis." This causes me to snort.

"You're seriously so weird come on be serious."

He stares down at his shoes, "I can relate with you on having great men in the family. My baba was the best and he loved my mom more than anything."

He takes a breath before continuing, "I want to honor him by doing the same and treating my wife well. It is really important because if I have a daughter in the future, I'd want her to want someone like her father."

This was actually the nicest thing I've ever heard him say.

Or any dude say.

Most of them completely disregard woman's feelings and don't even think about if they would have daughters in the future, and how they would feel if someone mistreated them.

"I respect that for real, a lot of guys don't even think ahead like that."

He nods, "they are just low quality men."

I take notice of his scar and look at it again, "did you get that from trying to save...?" I stop myself because I really don't want to overstep.

He gives a weak smile, "Yeah..."

"I was only a kid when I came to America and it was honestly really hard. Having to learn English and taking care of my mom and my siblings was a lot."

I would have never guessed that English was his second language. He literally does not have an accent or anything.

"Even now it still is a lot of pressure. We have lost so much family and we fear for the safety of the ones who are still living over there. I gotta also make sure that everyone is okay financially, emotionally."

Okay maybe him and Zack are not so different after all.

Hearing all this made me feel guilty for bugging Baba the way that I did earlier.

I really don't realize how fortunate I am sometimes.

"I really don't know what to say, it must've been so hard taking all that responsibility at a young age."

He laughs slightly, "Yeah it was honestly, I won't even lie it caused me to spiral a bit too."

I fidget with the end of my sleeve, "Spiral?"

"I'm not proud of it but I did end up rolling with people who weren't exactly good...." He trails off.

"Kind of part of the reason why my mama made me switch schools, it pissed me off at first."

Huh now everything adds up.

"So that's why you were trying to get yourself kicked out."

We both look at each other for a second and then burst out laughing.

"That's so dumb Harry why would you do that?"


"Yes you are Harry." I say confidentially.


I roll my eyes, "You should feel honored to have a special nickname from me."

He leans against his back pack and laughs, "That is the most unoriginal nickname ever. Not sure how it's special."

"Whatever dude, at least I was not the one who was trying to get kicked out."

He rolls his eyes, "I mean hey I got over it, I'm here now trying to make it or whatever."

I wonder what he did that got his mama to make him transfer.

"So were you like el chapo or something?" I said while raising my eyebrows and he shakes his head.

"Wildin, man I shouldn't have told you all this."

"Noo like I'm curious what did you do that mama made you switch?"

He sighs and looks down, "I'm not going to get into what I did but whatever I did it was to bring in extra money for my family."

So the mafia rumors were true?

Is he like el chapo's accomplice?

I have so many questions....

Am I even safe?

Should I even be talking to him?

My train of questions get interrupted, "Trust me I don't do anything like that anymore."

I look up at him and our eyes meet.

"I had do to do what I had to do, I'd do anything for the people I care about."

I sigh, "No I agree I'm the same exact way. But you better not be doing anything dumb now..."

"I swear if you call me to bail you out of jail I'm going to hang up." I add on which causes him to roll his eyes.

"You're a real one for real."

End of chapter! Please stay tuned for more. Please vote, comment, and share my story with others! Also I noticed that my previous chapters have mentions of items from the boycott list, so please ignore those because those are old chapters. I'm going to try and edit them out because we don't condone that garbage here. Anyways bye I love you all.

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