Chapter 22

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Today is the day that I'm going to visit the campus.

I won't even lie I'm nervous as HELL.

I need to relax.

I look fly and I'm a solid football player.

I also have good grades.

Okay not gonna lie doing affirmations kind of work.

It kind of feeds my delulu self.

I decide to take a mirror selfie before I leave my hotel room.

My outfit is cute not gonna lie. I'm wearing baggy blue jeans with an oversized purple hoodie.

I complete the outfit with purple air Jordans, a black hijab, and a black SnapBack.

I'm going to post this on my instagram and Snapchat story.


My hotel is walking distance from the campus, so I make my way outside.

A wave of cold air hits me in the face.

Gosh I don't know if I'll ever get used to that.

I'm very much used to beautiful sunny weather.

I see some people turn and look at me.

Not sure if they recognize me, think I'm a terrawrist, or just think I'm hot.

It's kind of hard to tell.

I plug in my AirPods and play meltdown by Travis Scott.

Man the next time someone makes an edit of me, I want them to use that song.

It just is so fire.

Before I knew, I make it to the gym that the players are working out at.

I take a deep breath before I enter the room.


I swing open the door and look around.

I see tall, muscular, but very sweaty men literally everywhere.

This is kind of intimidating not gonna lie. I look like a shrimp next to them.

The head coach, assistant coach, and some other members of the athletics department are also there.

They're all chatting with each other and haven't noticed that I have stepped in.

You know what I'm going to just get a workout in.

I take off my jacket and begin to stretch.

I notice some of the boys looking my way but I choose to ignore them.

This is actually really weird to me because I would see these guys play on TV.

And I'm now working out with them.

In a way this is actually really cool.

I make my way to the weights and grab two fifty pound dumbbells.

I start off by doing bicep curls.

Metamorphosis by interworld starts playing.

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