Chapter 17

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     I know it's just a game to most but this sport means everything to me.

And the feeling when you win.

Is a feeling that I can't describe it's truly unlike any other.

Today is homecoming. My sister did my makeup because she insisted on it.

I really did not want to do much but I really had no choice.

I look at myself in the mirror.

For once in my life I actually feel really pretty.

And annoyed.. these false eyelashes feel weird.

I adjust my hijab and turn towards her, "how do I look?"

"Like a Princess." She says while snapping a picture on her phone.

I hear the door bell ring.

That's definitely Chanel.

"Okay be safe and be smart! I love you and call me if you need anything." She says as I grab my purse and I smile.

"I love you too, bye." I say as I go down the stairs.

My niece opened the door and began to talk Chanel's ear off.

"You look so good." I say and she does a little curtsy.

"Thank you m'lady, so do you."

Our dresses are really similar, except hers is brown and mine is peach.

"Okay let's go because we're meeting everyone at the restaurant." I say grabbing her hand and we run to her car.

"So then I was like oh my God. Of course I would go to homecoming with you Moe."

In which layer of jahanum did Moe find this girl?

She's seriously so annoying and will not shut up.

"Man white girl please be quiet, you talking way too much." Jayden says while putting his face in his hands.

At moments like this being multilingual is very clutch.

I ask Moe in which layer of jahanum did he find this girl in Arabic which caused Haris to laugh.

"Definitely the last one." Moe rolls his eyes and makes a dumb face which causes Haris and I to laugh.

She joins in and starts laughing too and I raise a brow.

"What are we laughing at?"

"Enti." Haris says which causes me to giggle.

Moe puts his arm around her and I pretend to vomit.

"Knock it off you're such a gahba."

I roll my eyes, "no you are and you didn't answer my question."

She looks left and then right, "what question?"

I was gonna smash my head with a plate but that's when Landon and his date arrived.

Damn she's hot.

She has long brown hair and blue eyes. She actually lowkey looks like Chanel... a shorter version though.

She's wearing a red dress which honestly looks really good on her.

Moe was lost into space until he locked eyes with the girl which caused him to spit his drink.

"YA KHARA." I exclaim.

Ew he almost got his nasty spit on my dress.

"What the fuck Moe?" Chanel says as she gets a napkin to wipe the table.

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