Chapter 21

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     "Are you sure you have everything? Where is your license?" Zack asks me for the billionth time.

I wish I didn't agree to letting my brother in law take me to the airport, but he kept on insisting that he would take me.

"If you ask me that one more time tacky I'm going to lose my mind," I say as I show my license to him.

Zack rolled his eyes, "Look I am a dad okay? I can't help it."

Even though he's been a dad for awhile, it still sounds so weird when it is said out loud.

To be honest the idea of him being a dad in general is just weird.

I still see him as being my brother's best friend not gonna lie.

But I appreciate him a lot though, he basically saw me grow up.

He helps take out my luggage and helps me put on my backpack, "I think you're all ready kid."

I turn to look at him and smile and he gives me a whole bear hug, "Call me if you need anything, and be safe okay?"

I nod and he continues on with his whole "dad speech, "You're gonna have a blast, just remember your end goal. The NFL is what you are aiming towards, don't forget that."

"Okay can I leave now?" He laughs and waves, "Yeah go so I can go watch my show, enough of you."

So sassy.

"Bye Zack." I say as I handle my luggage and I make my way into the airport.

Before I knew it, I had reached my destination. I take a minute to put my coat on because it's mad brick outside right now.

Now I have to go get an uber. I'm literally cringing over the thought of how much money I'm going to have to spend on Ubers.

I know you're probably thinking not the rich girl crying about an Uber, even though she can get as many as she wants without it making a dent in her wallet.

But believe it or not, I'm still smart with my money. If I had decided to stay here longer than I was, I would've just gotten a rental car.

Especially because I love to drive. I could never be a passenger princess because I'm basically an F1 driver.

Or at least that's what I think I am when I'm speeding down pacific coast highway.

I take a seat by the luggage claim and take a minute to order an Uber. It's gonna be a 30 minute ride, how fun! (Not).

I'm staying at a hotel that's nearby the university.

I begin to feel nervous...I wonder how the kids on the campus are?

And like if the staff is nice...

The guys on the team...

I'm like 2000 miles away from home right now.

If I were to drive from California to here, it would take me more than a day.

Even a flight from there to here is like 4 hours.

I begin to feel sad, I won't even lie this feels really lonely.

That's when I randomly get a group FaceTime from my teammates.

I hit answer and an annoying voice says, "She made it, I was hoping she'd end up in the Bermuda Triangle."

"Shut up Moe, anyways hey guys." Everyone says hi back.

"Did you see anyone hot?" Chanel asks which causes me to laugh and the boys make faces.

"Don't ever say that again." Austin says and Moe wrinkles his nose.

Haris joins the call and Chanel speaks again, "Omg so describe the hot guy Zara. He asked for your number too?"

She's so annoying.

"What hot guy?" Moe and Haris say at the same time.

Ew why is Moe talking? In fact why are they both talking?

"None ya." I say in return because to be honest even if I did see one, it really is none of their business.

One of the guys farts out loud and Landon starts laughing, Chanel shrieks "you guys are literally so nasty."

I wrinkle my nose, "No literally I can smell that all the way from Michigan."

"I'm tryna see the shawds, turn the camera around." Drey says and I put a hand to my head.

I get an alert that my Uber is here.

"I'm gonna hang up now, bye weirdos."

I drag my luggage and make my way outside.

The cold air smacks my face and I shiver, I don't know if I could ever get used to how cold it is here.

But then again cold weather is great for hijabis because we can wear the cutest outfits, and without being warm.

The Uber driver steps out of the car and greets me and helps me load my luggage.

Time to head to the hotel!

     The hotel isn't exactly the Ritz but it's honestly fine. It is still nice and clean which is all that matters.

I'm going to stop by campus tomorrow to tour the campus. I'm also going to meet the athletics department, and meet some of the guys and train with them.

That's when I get a text from Chanel.

"I'm thinking of committing to Sacramento state."

Even though I'm happy for her but at the same I also feel my heart sink.

For a few reasons...

One being that Sacramento is like 6 hours away from where we are now. So even if I decide to stay in Cali, we'd be far from each other.

And I know that's how life is. Everyone moves away for college.

Most of the boys are planning to move away for college.

It's just different with her because she's my best friend.

We've spent so much time together.

Another reason is that seeing her being so sure made me feel some type of way.

I know that it isn't her fault that I'm being indecisive right now.

Like cmon stupid b*tch just pick a school.

But I don't know...

Tears roll down my face.
I just feel so overwhelmed.

No shut up Zara, your friend worked hard and you need to be supportive.

I text her back, "OMG. Go for it!!! They are going to be so lucky to have you."

I mean it's true.

I'm going to miss her a lot though.

I send another text, "I'm going to miss you a lot tho."

She replies back almost right away, "Girl you and me are rods for life. It doesn't matter where we end up going for college, we'll always plan trips and visit each other."

A smile slowly creeps on my face. This is why she's my home girl.
End of chapter. I know this actually is trash, but honestly I'm running of ideas for this book. Anyways like, comment, vote, tell your friends and BYEE.

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