Chapter 14

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      Moe and I are walking around this dumb festival. He is trying to rizz up chicks who are here but is lowkey failing.

I laugh to myself, he is seriously so weird.

"Why are you laughing you witch? Did the jinns around you tell a joke?" He says while fluffing his curls.

"The only jinn that I'm talking to is you." I say which causes a girl nearby to giggle.

"Yo chill and stand a little far from me you are scaring the hoes" he says while gently pushing me and I gasp.

That does it I'm going to step on this dumb rat.

I push him back and he stumbles back a little, "man sometimes I forget you a strong big body ahh girl."

To be honest I think you're just small.

"I literally can dead lift five of you bro." I say while flexing my muscles.

He rolls his eyes and then winks at some random girl which causes her to blush.


I know for a fact that she's not feeling this moe money.

"Girl he probably has worms." I say while shuddering.

He ignores me and walks over to the girl.

He's such a wh*re.

And she's dumb because like um he's a Middle Eastern man they're not loyal.

They talk to everybody and their mother.

I don't wanna just sit and hang out with my mom or whatever like it's just weird and awkward.

Ugh I'm at this dumb festival and all alone.

With this stupid outfit on.

I wish I had more girl friends honestly.

And no I'm not gonna say "boys are so much better friends..they're no drama teehee."

Because that's some pick me sh*t.

It's just my life played out for me like that.


I don't care what anyone says.

They are so sassy bro.

I see Ali taking tiny bites out of a piece of pita.

The way babies eat pita is so funny. They also waste so much of it too.

Honestly all my little nephews and nieces are so cute.

I grab him and slightly bounce him.

"Let's go for a walk."

He starts to chant walk and I smile. We look at the different stalls.

Moe and I make eye contact and he gives me a look.

I just know he's gonna say something dumb as hell.

I hear my phone chime and I look over at it.

"Yo can I borrow ur baby, I'm tryna impress this chick."

Borrow your baby? It's official he has lost his mind.

And this ain't even my child this is my nephew and he knows that.

"Stfu bro don't ask me stupid sh*t" and send.

I know he's cute but cmon now. He isn't some prop.

I take out my phone and take a selfie of us.

"Cute." I hear a voice say.

I turn around and see Zane.

Okay why is he here?

"Unlike you." I say and turn back around.

"That coulda been ours."

I'm going to get violent.

"Literally shut up you disgusting rat. No one wants your disgusting offspring, don't even say something like that again especially in front of my angel child."

I hear a laugh nearby and see Haris.

You've got to be kidding me. This is a nightmare, why are they both here? And at the same spot.

"Who's that?" Ali asks and I sigh.

"It's shaitan." Which causes Zane to make a face and my nephew to giggle.

"I-." He gets cut off by Haris, "Listen bro stop embarrassing yourself."

Zane raises a brow, "This yo new man?"

Ew he's so illiterate.

"Someone like you shouldn't be asking questions like that, now go bro you can't handle all that." Haris says which causes him to actually leave.

"I didn't ask for help, I had it handled." I say while looking down.

"I know you didn't but I just don't like disrespectful people and plus you're here with your family. I wouldn't want things to get bad."

Wow. That is actually really nice of him.

Like #mature.

"Thanks I guess." Ali drops his pita and makes a face.

Ugh he's gonna cry.

Haris notices and walks over to the side where I'm holding him, "And who is this?"

Ali's face lights up, "Ali."

This causes me to smile, "he's my nephew."

"I'm guessing your sister's kid." I nod and he proceeds to hold up his hand so Ali can high five him.

"Ali, I have an extra cookie do you want one?" Ali gets super hyped and grabs it.

Dang he's actually good with kids.

I don't know but like it's rare to see guys who are actually good with kids. Like I'm not talking about their own kids but y'know, other people's.

"Listen I'm sorry about the other day.. I didn't mean to overstep."

It was out of line but honestly it isn't something worth holding against him.

"It's cool bro, I promise I'm not that soft."

We ended up parting ways after. Just because I really didn't want people that I knew see that I was talking to him.

People are judgy and are quick to assume.

Plus I'm not even interested in relationships or whatever.

When the time is right I'll get married and the next guy I give a chance, is the one I will marry.

But I swear some people obsess over the idea of relationships and revolve around it.

Like sure it's cool or whatever but I got sh*t to get done with first.

End of chapter. Man I'm running out of ideas I don't know where or how I want to lead or end this story. Anyways stay tuned for more.

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