Chapter 12

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      After practice I decide to take a seat at one of the benches outside of school.

I'm going to take this time to do homework and study for upcoming tests.

I could go home right now but honestly I'd rather not.

It's pretty lonely at home. If I have to be honest everyone is so caught up with their own lives.

I open up my laptop and prepare myself to type my life away.

Or that's what I had planned.

I feel a weight crash right next to me on the bench and I groan.

You have got to be kidding me. I just wanted a moment of peace and someone just had to ruin it.

I look over to see Haris and he is grinning,

This man is seriously so weird.

I don't know how people think he's gang affiliated I mean look at him he's such a dork.

"What do you want?"

He places his bag on the table, "Dang who pissed in your cereal today?"

"I just have a lot to do sir, you may not care about school but I do."

He puts a hand on his heart and says, "I do care I'm just naturally smart... and I just cheat. Why study when I can take the easy way out?"

"Hmm is that what you do in relationships too? I swear all you men are the same." I say as I jot down the things I have to do by tomorrow in my agenda.

"I'm a man not a child, Zara you got to realize that there are good men out there. Not everyone is out to get you." He says as he takes out a cigarette.

Ugh gross.

Is he an uncle or something? Why does he always smoke? And cigarettes that's such an uncle thing to do. Like go smoke weed if you have to.

I mean not that I support that either but like at least it's like more age appropriate? I guess I don't know I haven't smoked it before.

Or plan on doing so.

"Don't you dare light that." I say and he takes out a lighter.

"Why what are you gonna do?"

I roll my eyes, "You know it isn't good for you right? Just quit it"

He takes it out his mouth and points at my shirt, "It's too late my lungs are already the color of your shirt."

My shirt is black...

"And that's something that you're proud of?"

He rolls his eyes, "Quit acting like a mom you're killing my mood."

"Um you're the one who sat here I didn't invite you here?"

He looks at me and studies my face.

I feel my face get hot, why is he doing that? That's so weird.

I look away and look back at my laptop screen.

He puts the cigarette back in his mouth and I immediately snatch it out his mouth.


I get up from my seat and hold the bud up in the air.

"Give it back Zara, I paid for this pack. Every single cigarette that's in there matters."

He's so weird.

I start wiggling the bud and he gets up from his seat and tries to snatch it from my hand.

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