Chapter 1

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Hi my name is Zara Khan. I'm currently a senior in high school. My parents were born and raised here in America, but in terms of ethnicity my mom is Lebanese and my dad is Pakistani.

I pause and stare at my college essay. Ugh this is literally garbage. It does not even sound good, every college that sees this is going to go into cardiac arrest.

I wish I could just get into the college that I want to go to without having to write an essay.

I envy my older siblings, Sophia and Adam. They both finished college and are now settled with kids and all that.

I'm literally so far from that point in life. Sometimes I wish I was their triplet.

Adam and Sophia are twins and I am 13 years younger than them.

It's honestly really annoying because there are times where my parents will compare me to them.

It's not even fair they both are at a whole different point in life than I am.

I'm literally only 17 while they both are 30.

However for some reason they haven't really aged.

They still look the same as they did when they were 17.

It most be those Asian and Arab genes.

The same goes for my parents too. It probably might also because they got married young.

So their kids are old but they haven't really aged like crazy either.

I snap out of my train of thought when I hear Chanel call me.


I turn around and smile, "What's good Chanel?"

"We about to get that W against Palm Valley baby."

"YOU ALREADY KNOW!" I say as I go up to her to dap her up.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention, Chanel and I play football.

You must be thinking, "A hijabi playing football?"

Yup that's exactly how it is. I am the quarter back of my school, Acadia Bayshore High School.

I'm not the ideal quarter back obviously because 1) "I'm a girl." Coach definitely pushes me harder because of that, like he also is hard on Chanel too but I have it worse because I'm QB. 2) I'm a hijabi, people do not really like the idea of a Muslim girl playing let alone a hijabi. 3) I'm only 5'9, which doesn't seem short at all but in comparison to most quarterbacks in my area, I'm definitely on the shorter end. Most of these guys are 6'0 and taller.

I snap out of it again when Chanel asks me a question, one that I honestly that have an answer to either.

"What were you doing?"

We walk back to where I was sitting in the library and I sigh, "Bruh I was trying to do my college essay."

She smiles, "How is that going?"

"UCLA is going to look at my application and start geeking." I then put my head and groan.

"Girl shut up, you are seriously so smart and you are so involved in school." She says and I shake my head.

Chanel gets annoyed and crumbles up a piece of paper and throws it at me.

However, it doesn't hit me instead I use my right hand to catch it.

"Babe I'm a quarter back, that ain't gonna work." I say with a wink and she rolls her eyes.

"You are sooo cocky."

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