Chapter Two

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Mikael Di Amoré (Picture at the top)
Rl name: Patrick Dempsey


Di Amore's Estate, Buffalo, New York


Under a large shade, in the Di Amoré's garden. Chiara, not older than 4 was sitting on a picnic blanket with her scrabble tiles. It was a current obsession of her that the Don had influenced, no doubt.

Cassius watched her very closely along with a few guards,trained only with the sole purpose of protecting her.

Seemingly distracted for a moment,the little girl suddenly stood up.

Cassius took a prompt step forward as she looked around with her doe-like eyes until her bright blue orbs found him.

Her little feet started moving at a fast pace towards him, her dark curls bouncing over her shoulders as he met her halfway across the yard.

"Mister Cassius, I miss my Grandpops." She said. Her sad eyes peered up at him with a subtle pout of her lips.

The man picked her up very gently into his arms and started walking into the house. Chiara had started asking for the her grandfather the first night of his absence. She had cried when she found out that the Don won't be coming back for a week.

The little girl wanted the story time she and the Don shared before she went to sleep. She missed playing with him, learning new words with their scrabble session. She was a smart girl, something precious hidden from the world.

"Do you want your chocolate cookies?" He asked as he tried to get her mind off from Paulo.

Her face immediately lit up as she nodded her head. "Yes please!" She spoke excitedly.

On their way to the kitchen, they came across Mikael in the main hall. He carried a suitcase along with him and he was on his way out. His hair was messy, his tie askew. He always looked like he was rushing.

"Papa!" Chiara exclaimed as she raised her hands made a grabby motion.

The Underboss clenched his jaw. However,he still took her from Cassius arms.

"La mia bella principessa," He said as he kissed her forehead. She smiled at him and hugged his neck tightly. "I love you papa." She murmured quietly against his neck.

Mikael cleared his throat.

"Mr. Cassius will give me cookies, Papa." Chiara spoke again. Somehow it was perfectly normal for his papa to not talk that much.

"That's good." Miakel hummed.

"Have you seen my princess room papa? I chose it." She stated proudly.

"Yes, It is beautiful." Her father said.

She smiled widely at his praise.

Mikael casted his sharp eyes down at his watch before raising his head up at Cassius. He motioned for him to get Chiara off his arms.

"Go along with Cassius now Chiara. Papa will have to go to work."  Mikael said.

"Okay, Papa." She said as Cassius took her in his arms again and continued to the kitchen.

"Can I have many cookies Mr.Cassius?" Chiara asked sweetly as the guard set her on the chair.

"I'm afraid little girls like you can only have three." He answered as he took the cookie jar out from the cupboard.

"Why only three?" She asked, genuinely curious.

Cassius chuckled as he put the cookies on a small plate and set it in front of her.

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