Chapter Five

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Matteo Camorra  (Picture at the top)
Rl name: Matthew Noszka


Sicily, Italy.

Lucian Verratti, Matteo Camorra, Fabio Lucchese, Adrik Ivanov, and Pietro Donatello, heirs from each of their respectful Families were sent on a mission.

It was the last task they needed to complete in order to prove themselves men of honor. After this they were to be fully initiated into the Mafia as made men. They had to climb up the ranks, it wasn't given to them in a silver platter just because they were heirs.

They weren't given many clues, just a picture of a man, a cop. And from that, they have to figure out what their duty is about.

"Why don't we just go inside and put a hole in his head?" Matteo spoke from the driver's seat.

"Or just wait for him to get out. Then we shoot him, he'll be kissing the pavement with his blood pooling around him in no time." Pietro suggested.

"No, we cannot do that," Lucian answered lowly as he gazed out into the club's entrance from the passenger side's window. "Murdering a cop, an investigator, or a prosecutor would unleash the fury of the law against the Mob." he explained. He did not quite believe he still had to explain this to them.

All five young men were inside an SUV parked at the other side of the road across the building of one of the most famous club in Sicily, trying to decide what to do.

"We aren't fucking afraid of them." Pietro said from the backseat, leaning into Matteo's side of the argument. If his words were to be followed, he'd say "whack the cop" hide the body, and get it over with.

If it were the case, The federals in their territory back in Mexico would have been long missing, they were making it hard for Donatello business to thrive.

"Think rationally, Pietro." Lucian answered, coldly,un-faced.

This was why there was a rule preventing them to kill the authorities. Alejandro Verratti was thinking right when he was aiming at maintaining strict discipline and preventing rash, unauthorized acts by hotheaded troops.

"Why aren't we doing anything? our man has been there for two hours already, I doubt he's still on guard." Adrik said as he glanced at Lucian from the back seat as well. He didn't know what Lucian was on about. He just wanted to get the mission over with so he can return to his own territory, in Russia.

"I doubt he's been on guard. People like him go into clubs to drink and unwind." Pietro said.

Lucian stayed silent, his  sharp eyes were steadily looking out for the other men Carlos went in with.

Annoyed with his silence,and Lucian's seemingly lack of input with the air of unexplained confidence he wore. Matteo finally released his pent up annoyance that bordered closely to lividness.

"Look. Just because we're in your land doesn't mean we should listen to you, Verratti. You shouldn't even be here, you fucking belong to your computer room with your techy toys, like a fucking geek!" He snarled, spilling out insults.

"I will listen to what you all have to say, speak up, Fabio," Lucian stated, ignoring Matteo's little outburst. It was one flaw that would end him in sticky situations, Lucian thought.

"We are given a picture of a cop, with no further instruction. With that scenario, it is easy to assume that we should probably kill him, but his death will not prove anything and it will certainly not help our families. As far as I know, we don't fuck with the Police."  Fabio said.

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