Chapter Twelve

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Buffalo New York
Di Amoré's Estate


News travelled fast. By the time Chiara got home, her grandfather was so furious he sent her to her room without a glance and ordered Mikael in his office.

"She was five steps away from the bullet that killed that soldato, Mikael!" Paulo growled.

"She was not harmed." Mikael answered. Taking his seat, he spotted the bottle of Whiskey on the table. His hand twitched.

"The next time she leaves the premises of these walls with you, bring along Cassius and get her inside a bullet proof car for God's sake!" The Don pinched his eyes shut. When he opened them again, his anger was controlled.

"I would never risk my daughter's life. Chiara wasn't in any real danger. The girl isn't under their radar." " Mikael scowled. He stood up and snatched the glass of whiskey left on the table Paulo had not had the chance to drink before downing it in one gulp. "If you have nothing else to say, I'll be heading off."

Paulo watched his son leave the room, Mikael never changed He was still compulsive and uncritical. He was still a disappointment, a reason why Paulo had never wanted him son to take over.


As soon as Chiara hit the bed, she let out a few tears. A quick mourn for the pretty bubble of her once perfect world now destroyed. Although being real honest to herself she expected it to be more chaotic.

Earlier was clearly a show of power. The cops had proved that they can take the life of any mafiosi and then they could turn the story so the media would make it seem the murder was for the best and the cops saved the day once again.

But they would not have been able to do that to her, they were no crimes tied in her name, and that idea calmed her down. It also made her start thinking about what she could do to start a good public relation for her Family.

Turning over and curling up in a cocoon, she found comfort with her soft blanket but everytime she felt sleep had gotten a hold of her, she snapped wide awake in an instant. It was annoying and she felt angry. She was exhausted, tremors wracked her body in dire need of energy. She should have eaten something but she had no appetite.

By the time she did get some rest, she fell into a sleep full of nightmares.

The gunshot rang in her ears, people screamed.

This happened before

The man dropped dead in front of her. She looked at the cop who was responsible for the shot and heard another loud bang go off. Mikael clutched his chest, blood seeped through his shirt.

No.. that was not suppose to happen.

"Papa!" She screamed.

Chiara had jolted awake. She turned her head on her door hearing the sudden knock, her sense of what was real and what was a dream was still a muddle.

She heard the knock again.

"Who is it?" She croaked out. She heard Cassius muffled voice outside.

She scrambled out of her bed, grabbed a shawl off her nightstand and wrapped it around herself before opening the door.

"Sir Lucian Verratti is on the phone and wants to talk to you. Do you want to speak with him?" He asked.

Chiara noticed the phone in his hands and nodded.
She took the device and thanked Cassius silently before closing the door.

"Lucian?" She asked as she glanced at her wall clock, it was 11 P.M, Italy was six hours in advance.

"Chiara, how are you?" His voice was like a soft caress, overpowering all her senses.

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