Chapter Three

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Cassius Martinez (Picture at the top)
Rl name: Mackie Alcantara

Di Amoré's Estate, Buffalo, New York


Chiara giggled as she ran across the restricted corridor and stopped at the huge oak door, she turned the knob quickly before barging inside.

"La spedizione verrà effettuata-"

"Grandpops!" She exclaimed effectively cutting Paulo off.

"Ti richiamerò."Paulo clenched his jaw. He ended the call and placed the phone down on his desk with a frown. "I told you not to run away from Henderson. You need to learn, not play." His reprimanding voice rang in her ears.

She has started homeschool six months ago when she turned 6 and she loved running away from her teacher. However, it was not the case this time.

"But I answered all the questions already, grandpops. Mrs. Henderson gave me 5 stars for it." She spoke and cautiously went closer to him.

"It hasn't been an hour yet." Paulo frowned, but he noticed five star stickers on her arm.

"But, I finished it already, granpops." Her chin trembled as she gazed down on the floor and played with her fingers.

"Alright, I believe you. Come here, dolcezza mia." Paulo softened his tone, dropping the subject completely as he noticed her reaction.

Chiara went to him and climbed into his lap.

"Tell me what Henderson taught you this week."

"Mrs Henderson made me learn numbers yesterday but today she wanted me to dance, I didn't want to dance, grandpops." she explained, little grudge can be detected in her voice. "Tell her I don't like dancing, grandpops." She pleaded with her huge eyes and pouty lips.

Paulo's lips twitched in a smiled. He had never smiled for anyone else. "Dancing is good, Carmela enjoyed dancing Immensely." He said.

"Was grandma a great dancer?" she asked in child curiosity.

"She was." Paulo answered, his tone clipped. His wife danced so well, she danced in bed, she practiced with other men too.

Chiara shifted and looked up at him, her curiosity getting the best of her. "Who were you talking too earlier, Grandpops? "

Paulo tensed, his browse furrowing.
"Don't mention it Chiara. I did not teach you Italian to eavesdrop on me." He reprimanded.

"Mi dispiace, grandpops." She lowered her head. "I thought you were talking to papa." She said.

"Dolcezza mia, Mikael will be home soon." Paulo as he picked up his phone and dialed Cassius.

"Come fetch Chiara and bring Henderson in."


"Mr. Di Amoré, Chiara is such a smart kid," Henderson spoke as she took her sit in front of the Don.

"I am aware of that." He grounded out through his teeth.

"Not to an extent, she had answered 25 set of math questions in less than 8 minutes. No average preschooler would have done that. She can read 15 digits of numbers, her ability to memorize is astounding. She knows every single country there is on the world map. She can already read fluently in English. She's a genius."

Paulo tightened his jaw.

"You are making my five years old granddaughter memorize all the country there is, for what reason? Numbers of two,three digits should be enough for a kid her age. You're teaching her fucking algebra." He hissed.

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