Chapter Seven

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Fabio Luchesse (Picture at the top)
Rl name: Amerigo Valenti


Buffalo, New York
Do Amoré's Estate

Chiara felt her grandfather stiffen as the young man spoke.

"I apologize for interrupting Sir Paulo, but I couldn't resist," Matteo spoke, then he looked at Chiara with a peculiar smile.

"I'd like to dance with Chiara, if that's alright."

Chiara took in a mother deep breath as she felt her heartbeat race. Her grandfather hated interruption.

"I don't appreciate your interference, boy. I would like it if you watch yourself. " Paulo said in a low tone.

"It's okay, grandpa" Chiara squeezed his hands. "I'll dance with him."

"Very well then." Paulo shot the Camorra heir a stern gaze before turning to leave.

Chiara watched her grandfather's back before shifting her attention to the man before her.

He was tall, but not taller than her grandfather, He got blond hair,shiny,golden, almost too beautiful for a male. He was a pretty man for a mafiosi.

"Matteo Camorra," Matteo spoke as he took Chiara's hand into his and put his other on her waist.

What a foreign touch.

"It's nice to put a face on the name." She answered.

"So you've heard of me." The end of his lips tilted up in a smirk.

"I've heard of many names, especially of the heiresses. Was there a rule forbidding me to know about you?" She answered dumbly, not wanting to give him any ideas.

"Fair enough." He stared at her very long. Scrutinizing every part of her.

Chiara gave him a smile. And easily swayed with him, acting nonchalant as if she was not critically assessing him all the same.

"I must admit though, I haven't heard of your existence until I've held the birthday invitation Don Paulo had sent."

"That is expected. I don't imagine my grandfather or any other men in the estate running their mouth about me as they set out from here." She answered.

"I wonder why." He quirked his eyebrow.

"I don't see my existence being anyone's business, do you?" Chiara slightly shifted as she felt him pull her closer. She inhaled slowly and calmed her mind.

"To be rather honest, a beautiful young lady such as you shouldn't be hidden, not when there are men like me who would like to make your acquaintance."

"The way you say it makes me wonder if the world already lack females." She answered, yet she felt pleased by his acknowledgement of her beauty.

"Not quite...But tell me, does the Don keep you here locked up? You seem like a caged little bird."

"But I am hardly a little bird." She countered. Matteo stared down at her like a hungry wolf.

Her heartbeat had gone to normal. She was no longer nervous about the new company, she was slightly peeved at being compared to a mere bird but it didn't show. She still had the stupid pleasant smile plastered on her face.

"Don't you want to be free? It must be hard living here all your life, Don't you want to experience the world outside? What places have you visited?"

"I'd experience the world at a right time,soon." Chiara answered. Her walls were coming up quick as she spoke with the man. He was giving her ideas. Too tempting to be thinking about. Matteo was a Red flag

"Such an innocent you are."

The smile on his face didn't hide his leering eyes that took her in. Chiara stayed silent which urged him to talk more.

"I've been in a lot of places, you name a country and I'd probably have visited it.I have an exclusive private jet to take me anywhere with always a villa of my own to stay in."

"That is wonderful. You seem like an adventurer. " Chiara spoke, getting tired the conversation yet her golden front must stay as is.

"Well, as they say, life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all."

"Mhm." She nodded her head, thinking.
She never questioned the arrangement of how she lived her life.

"It's unfortunate that you don't have such freedom as mine, but I would never cage you, Chiara. A beauty like you deserves to be flaunted around the world."

Manipulative and arrogant as well as charming.

That was Matteo Camorra. She had figured him out in a span of minutes. She bet women fell for him all the time. He was good with his word play.

"Tulavu," Chiara said.

"What?" The look on his face was pure

"A country in Oceana in the South Pacific. You said If I'd mention a country you'd probably visited it. I guess not." Chiara fought her smile but failed.

"Hmm..Tuvalu. I can arrange my jet to go there if you'd like."

Chiara recoiled. "I--"

She glanced on the side had noticed another man approaching them. Just like what Matteo did earlier, he cut into the dance.

"You had the lady for quite some time now, give way for other gentlemen, Matteo." He said.

Shooting Chiara one last look, Matteo let her hand go. Chiara did not miss the angry glint in his dark eyes as he turned and left.

"May I have this dance?"

Chiara smiled politely and took the man's outstretched hand.

"Thread carefully with Matteo, he's never easy to deal with." He said.

"So I've noticed," Chiara said.

"Is he not on your good side?" She questioned, curious as to why he chose to warn her instead of simply saying something else. The more she knew of these people, the better.

"I'm always in the neutral. I can throw in a good thing about Camorra to balance out my previous statement."

"I'd like to hear it."

"Well, for starters. He's rich and yeah well...he's rich. But that doesn't really matter." He chuckled.

"I heard he's keen on traveling too." She said.

He shrugged. "I honestly don't have any idea. Anyway, let's stop talking about him."

Chiara nodded in agreement and followed his steps carefully. He swayed stiffly and his foot works were terrible. But he put a respectable distance between them unlike Matteo.

"I don't really know how to dance." He said, His brown eyes twinkling.

She gave him a polite smile. "Yet you insisted on dancing with me.What's your name?" She asked.

"Fabio Luchesse."

"Fabio." She repeated.

"Yes..Chiara?" There was a glint of mirth on his eyes.

She liked this guy, but she didn't trust him.
He was so lax and un-problematic.

"Althought I'd like to dance more with you, my feet are begining to ache." She said. She was not really a fan of dancing even though she excelled at it.

"Would you like me to escort you to your seat?" He asked.

"I don't know where that is." She glanced around, looking for Cassius. He was the one who would know her seating arrangement.

"Our table have two seats unoccupied, perhaps the other is for you, it would make sense."

Chiara agreed and while Fabio held her arm leading the way, she found Cassius's gaze from the corner. Her trusted guard gave her a nod.

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