Chapter Eight

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Lucian Verratti (Picture at the top)

Model: Éric Bélanger


Buffalo, New York
Di Amoré's Estate

Chiara sat down beside a woman. Alliandra was her name, she learnt it from bits of the conversation thrown around earlier.

She also felt the animosity pouring out from Matteo as Lucian Verratti was mentioned.

"Would you look at that, almost an hour into the party and he is not yet here. What do you think about that Chiara?" Matteo asked.

Chiara felt all eyes turn to her. "His absence does not bother me as it does you. It makes little difference to me whether he is here or not."
Her answer was neutral, her voice was calm and collected.

Matteo chuckled. "I guess I appear to be too invested on his whereabouts, don't I? In truth, I just don't like people running late."

"Or maybe it's just the hatred you have for him." Luna spoke daringly to his brother. The table came in a dead silence, eyes cautiously assessing both siblings. It felt like the conversation could detonate a bomb any minute.

Chiara remained concealed yet pleasant, she would like to see Lucian Verratti.

He intrigued her as she felt like Matteo's attitude towards him stemmed from jealousy.

Aside from his great title of being the next capo dei capi. What type of man was he?

"You are the youngest in the group, Chiara. Are you aware of the legacy you carry on your back? The only Di amore's heir. Does your father have any prospects for you?" Alliandra suddenly spoke from beside her, breaking the silence.

Chiara was confused for a second until it clicked. A husband. She just turned 18 and she was being asked about a prospect for a groom?

"It's okay, It can be a bit of a struggle taking in that women's worth in our world is to become a baby machine, or a wife to put it generously." She continued with a smile.

Chiara felt like she was messing with her. She didn't like it one bit.

"Alliandra, stop that right now." Alek spoke casually and took a sip of his wine. Like her sister broaching unusual topics was a day to day occurrence for him.

"Matteo is in search for a bride." Luna spoke.

Chiara felt the burning gaze of Pietro. He was silent and brooding, like he already found a problem with her by merely existing within their presence.

"The question is, can she handle him? You do seem a little sheltered, aren't you?" Pietro asked.

"Sheltered can be refreshing, if I dare say so myself." Matteo laughed.

"Imagine living in a perfect bubble." Pietro remarked, almost disgusted.

Chiara's eyes snapped towards Fabio. She liked him most. However, he chose to stay silent. She would not get any help from him. She also realized that these people had come not only to attend the party but with their own agendas as well.

"Marriage is a subject that remains unspoken between my Father and I. I don't see myself taking a husband anytime soon." She forced herself to speak.

"You say that now." Alliandra chuckled softly. "You'll get to say none at all when your father sets sight on someone for you."

"Life's going to be so much harder now sweetheart. Now that you're introduced into our society, the sharks will start circling around, it's a game of survival." Luna spoke, her sharp eyes cutting through her. "Although sitting pretty while dear grandfather dotes on you is one way to avoid the fangs of sharks." Jealousy in her eyes.

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