Chapter 22- Don't

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to ciiarahemmings for the perfect banner at the side :) you should check out her werewolf story, it's amazing btw
This chapter is also dedicated to iloveme_123 for helping me with ideas for the story!! Thank you both!!

* Chapter 22- Don't *

Dean Sanders

I ran out of my house with tremendous speed; I ignored the loud voices from behind me screaming for me to stop, my main concern was to find Mia.

I took the shorts that I was wearing off, shifting into my wolf and carrying them between my jaws securely. I was able to run faster and smell better, which are two skills I desperately needed at the moment.

The only pack within a fifty mile radius was known as the White Starr pack, after their first Alpha who was known as Mark Starr. They weren't very intimidating, but they always start trouble with us and I knew that's where Mia must be.

I ran the entire night, the only thing keeping me going was the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

As the sun came over the horizon, I stopped running to catch my breath and get a drink of water. I was nearing the pack house, seeing as the strong aroma of another pack was filling my nostrils.

This encouraged me further; I forgot about resting and ran full speed in the direction my nose was leading me.

I decided that when Mia and I return home, I will give her the talk about marking. If I had already marked her, I would be able to find her easily; we would be able to mind link from any location on the planet and her scent would be stronger as well. If this ever happened again, I wouldn't be able to live with myself, especially since our last encounter ended on bad terms. I have to mark her, even if she doesn't want me to.

Something arose inside me, making me feel uncertain. Even though I haven't marked Mia yet, I can still feel her emotions. The image of something horrible happening to her filled my brain and I felt my eyes darken, the need to find her becoming even stronger.

I had to restrain myself from growling as I saw her from a distance. I wanted to howl with joy at the fact she was okay, but seeing the close proximity between her and another male fueled my anger.

I shifted back into my human form and slipped my shorts on, walking quietly to where Mia was located.

I made sure I was unnoticed by the both of them, seeing as the man's back was facing me. Mia didn't notice my presence which was a relief because if she had, the man would also.

I hid behind a tree, watching the man's every movement. They seemed to be having a long conversation, seeing as Mia was concentrating on him.

When Mia started to become uncomfortable (which I could sense), I realized I needed to step in. Clearly, this man had no idea what personal space is.

I stepped out from behind the tree, causing the man to step away from Mia and look at me with frightened eyes. Seeing he was older, I felt my wolf step in control.

"Get the hell away from my mate!" I snarled loudly, running forward with insane speed.

The man pushed Mia back, angering me even more. How dare he put his filthy hands on her!

He growled at me, but made no effort to run forward and meet me halfway. I picked up my speed, running past the man and right to my mate.

I wrapped her securely in my embrace, turning us around so I was facing the man. Mia's arms wrapped tightly around my torso, settling my wolf down a bit.

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