😈Chapter 6😈

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Natures POV
"Single file line. Like a fire drill,we'll be questioned less"said wheels "Go hurry! Let's go go go go!" Said missy trying to get everyone out of the room. Me,wild and missy stopped and n front of the door and saw the vent move. "Beginners luck"he told missy. She rolled her eyes and went to the the kids. Me Wild closed the door and I grabbed his hand and we ran to follow the others. I was in front of him and him behind me. "Noodles stretch to make yourself tall." Said missy. Noodles followed what she said. "Hello there fellow grownups" he said to a woman. "Wow so convincing"I muttered sarcastically.Wild heard me and chuckled. "Hey"said the woman"Hey hold on one second!!"she said noticing what was happening. She walked to the vault and saw tentacle prints on the door. And screamed and pressed the emergency button. "Shit"i said "RUN!"said missy. We started to run and noodles became normal again. Then stupid missy ran into someone."sorry" she said. She looked back and it was and. Granada. "Lock the doors"Ms.Granada yelled. "Really missy really"I said looking back at her. "Sorry"she said shrugging. Ugh. We started to run but go caught in the middle and guard were now surrounding us. And the door out locked."Oh no" said guppy. "What do we do now"said facemaker.(idk what they said in this part) "that was our only way out."said missy looking around. "No not are only one"said wild card looking up at a different indie thingy. "Are you insane how do me get up there." I said looking at him. "I'm only insane for you princess"he said smirking looking at me. I just rolled my eyes and got butterflies a little. "A Capella you can make thing float,can you do the same for people"said missy. "Well to do that I have to go very lowwwww"she said singing very low with her hands in front of her. Then people start to float and make a ladder thing to the window thing on the roof. (Idk what it is called)"everybody start climbing."Wild said. I was behind Wild and he was in the very front. Noodles was carrying wheels with his hand. "Noodles can you open the hatch" noddles opens the hatch with his other hand" (I'm pretty sure without noodles they should not be able to get out) then wild get out but I was to short to get out. "Here I'll help you"Wild told me. He then grabbed my waist and picked me up. "Thanks" I told him blushing a little since he touched my waist. "No problem princess" he said. Then everyone else came. "A capella make sure they don't follow us"I told her. "Adiossssss" she sang and waved to the people. They fell on cautions that came from no were.(no seriously were did they come from) "noodles card!" Wild said while facing the tram door next to me. Noodles swiped the card and we went in. I sat in the middle of wild card and guppy. I rested my head on wilds shoulder. "We did it"said fast forward. "Yea we did it" said missy sitting down. "But the tram will only take us to just outside the force field,then they'll catch us for sure."said wheels. "Look! They're already mobilizing!"I said looking out the window. "Brace yourselves"said missy. I then held onto the pole I front of me and wild held the pole and my waist to make sure I'm ok. "You to guppy"i said facing guppy. She then used her shark strength and held it really really tight. Looking me dead in the eye."I said hold it not break it"i said. She just growled at me and I turned around fast. "A cappella,make us fly"said wild still holding my waist but even tighter. Missy saw and rolled her eyes being a little jealous of me. Then a capella stood up and started singing low with her hands on the side. Then her eyes started to glow and her hair was moving from the wind. We then started to cheer and I got out of wild card grip and sat down closing my eye since a HATE hights. "Hey you ok" said wild card sitting next to me. "Yea Yea in totally fine" I said lying. Then a cappella mad a X meaning she can't steer. "She can't steer"said missy. "No shit shurlock." I said whispering. "We'll crash into that building." Missy said pointing to the building we were heading to. "We need to change directions"said wheels. "Nature use your hair"said fas forward. "I can't it will just slip." I said. "I'm on it" said noddles moving to the back. He than mad a not with his hands and punched the window open. He then held onto the pole on the tram with one and and went to the parking lot ground and held his other one to the pole outside. He then started spinning. And I felt like I had to puke so bad. Then he started to slip. "Help him out" said missy. I knew I was sick but I had to help. So me,wild card,fas forward,rewind and facemaker. We held on to noddles hand tight. Then noddles hand slipped onto the window thing. Missy and rewind held it tightly. (I kinda ship them) Then rewind smiled and mad a thumbs up to noddles. We started to swing. Then he let go of the pole and came back into the tram. Facemaker mad a teasing face to the guards outside.

Wild card x Nature Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora