!Last Chapter!

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(Natures POV)
It had been about a 2 weeks since the whole alien attack had happened. Me and wild were still happily together even tho my dad is a little unsure about him but he's warming up. I think..... anyways a cappella and facemaker are together. Fast and noodles are together. Wheels and missy are together and ojo and slow-mo are together witch is surprising since we'll ojo is a alien but I'm still happy for everyone. Well expect for Rewind and Guppy of course. Me and missy are better and now friends and I've learned to control my temper. A little... but due to all my be us kids saving the world the people of the city are going to be throwing us a type of ball dance. I'm a little nervous since I've never really been into all this dresses, tiaras and all those princess stuff. I've more been into anime, skating and art type of person. But Evan if I kinda don't want to go I have to and we'll it's in 1 day and I have nothing to get ready for it. Evan tho me and wild have planned to go together along with all the other couples. And guppy is just little so she is just gonna do her and rewind.....well idk about him. So how about we get this story started

                  𝕋𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝚋𝚎𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚊𝚕𝚕

Ahhh another morning great. I get up and put my slippers on and get max and put him on my shoulder than walk down stairs to get breakfast. Not to mention with my messy hair that looks like a branch. "Hey mom, hey dad" I said in a sleepy voice rubbing my eyes. "Oh hey honey"my mom said as she was cooking breakfast. "Hey princess"my dad says as he is holding a cup of coffee and he uses his other to mess my hair up. "Wow....thanks dad" I said sarcastically. He just chuckles and his back to mom. I sit on the bench and put max on the table. "Here you go" my mom says as she gives me a plate of eggs and bacon. "Ohhh yummy thank mom"I said as I start to eat. "And here you go max"she says as she hands max a tiny tiny plate with his food on it. He than turns to the yellow meaning he is happy. I smile than say "oh yea umm Wild might come over". "Oh he still your boyfriend. You know you should break u-" my dad was about to say with his arms crossed and mad face. But my mom interrupted my hitting him with a pan on the head. "Hey! Be nice that's your daughters boyfriend"she said angrily. My dad just scoffs and I giggle a little. I than hear a mock and the door. It might be wild. "Here I'll open it." I than open the door to see fast, A cappella and missy. "Um what are you guys doing here"I said confused. "We're here to help you of course" fast said in a "duh" voice.
"Wait for wh-" I was about to say until they started to pull my arm and close the door behind them. I quickly get max and the girls say "hi Mrs. and Mr. thorn" idk what there last names are. "Hello girls" they both say as the chuckle seeing there daughter be pulled up stairs by the other little girls. We than get to the room and they all pull me to sit on the bed as they look at me down. "Oh Kay first we need a dress" a cappella said. "What no I'm not putting a dress on"I said. "Ohhh and than high heels"missy said. "No no, no hight heels or dresses"I said standing up. "Well you have to it's a royal party"a cappella said. "Yea bit it's not 'royal' " I said. "Aww come on please dress fancy just for the party."fast said as they all wine. "No I'm not"I said. "Pwees" they all said making puppy faces at me. "Ughhhhh fine I'll were a stupid dress" I say giving up crossing my arms. "Ahhhhhh, yay!"they all said. I roll my eyes. "Well what are you waiting for go get dressed" missy said. I push them all out of my room and pick a outfit to wear. Something comfy. I than pick out something like this (👇)

 I than pick out something like this (👇)

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